Hunting Diana Part 10

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Chapter 10

Diana lets out a scream as her body flies away from mine.  Opening my eyes, I glance at the doorway briefly before slamming them shut once again.  It is long enough to see who is at the doorway.  Aaron was standing there with an angry expression on his face while Blayze and Clay held onto Chris.  The quick look that I got of the trio let me know that someone is not very happy with Chris.

“Ivy,” a voice whispers, “you need to get up.  Come on, get up.”

I struggle to focus on the words instead of the calming sensation.  There is nothing more that I want to do than just give into the peace that is waiting for me.  I know that I can’t though.  There are people that need me, there are things I still need to do in this life.  The person pulls me to my feet, and that is when I finally realize who it is that is holding me.


“Shh, Ivy, we are almost out of here,” he tells me in a calming voice.

I attempt to shake my head at him, but as soon as a move; a blinding pain shoots to my head. “Diana,” I choke out before sagging into his side.

“I know, Ivy, but you don’t have to worry about it.  We have her locked in the room she had you in.  We just need to get you out of here.  She’s still too close to you.  The further away you are, the easier it will be for you to heal.”

I want to make him turn around.  I want to see for myself that she is locked away, that there is no way for her to escape, but I can’t.  The more we move away, the easier it becomes to walk along beside him.  By the time we exit the compound, I can open my eyes without feeling the pain that hit me before.

“What is that?” I groan.

Aaron looks at me with a worried expression.  “It’s her power.  She drains your power.  I don’t know why, but as long as you get away from her before she completes the process, your powers will come back to you.  It may take a while, but the fire will come back to you.”

“What do you mean will come back?” I ask in a panicked tone.  Does that mean I don’t have it now? Raising a hand, I try to summon a flame, but nothing happens. 

Arms wrap around my body as tears flow from my eyes.  This is horrible.  A part of me feels like it is missing, it feels like someone took half of my body and left with it. Is this how Chris feels?  Looking around, my eyes connect with his brown ones.  An apologetic look is sketched on his face, but I can’t forgive him yet.  He is one of the reasons I am like this.  Until I get my powers back in full, I won’t forgive him.

“Ivy, he helped us.  We couldn’t find a way into the room.  He helped us,” Aaron tells me.  I can hear the anger in his voice telling me that he still isn’t happy with Chris even if he did help them find a way to me. 

Not being able to handle the way Chris’s eyes watered begging for forgiveness, I turn and press my face into Aaron’s body.  I can do this.  I can live without my power.  Pushing away from him, I sent him a smile.  “Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you going to be okay?” a voice calls out.

Looking over at Blayze, I send her a smile.  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.  I just need some time.”

“I get it,” Clay says.  “Well, I don’t really get it, but I understand why you need some time.  Do you want this time to be alone?”

“No,” I tell him with a laugh, “I think I can handle having my family around me.”

“Hey, maybe Cynthia can do something to help,” Blayze says.

I know she is trying to cheer me up, trying to give me hope.  I just nod at her.  There is really nothing else I can do.  We all know that what happened can’t be healed.  Cynthia can’t just give me my powers back.  It will take time, time I don’t want to waste, time that Diana now has to do whatever she plans, time I will use to do everything I can do to stop her.  I may not have my powers, but I think it is time I began to share my burden.  It’s time for me to allow others to do some fighting for me.  Diana may thing that we will sit back and let me heal, but we won’t.  We will come after her when she least expects it.

“Come on, Ivy, let’s go,” Aaron says snapping me out of my thoughts.

Following next to him, I look back once more before jumping into the SUV.  Look out, Diana, we’re coming back for you. 

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