Recipe For Disaster Or Love? (Larry Stylinson AU One Shot)

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(AU my beauties! Hope you like it!)

Harry Styles was a baker. Where you might ask? In a little town in Cheshire called Holmes Chapel at Harry's Handfuls. His mother had bought it for him and named it too. Harry's friend Zayn thought the name was stupid and wanted Harry to change it. But Harry sort of liked the name and he would never tell his mother anything different. Harry was a quiet boy, simple really. He ran the bakery with his mother and best friend and never really wanted anything different.

That is... Until a dazzling blue eyed boy walked into the shop requesting their finest cupcake flavor.

It was a sunny day and they weren't getting much business so Harry and Zayn were playing cards behind the counter. Zayn and Harry sang along to the radio they had playing in the back.

"Harry, do you ever think of getting out of here?" Zayn interrupts the non-conversation the two were having.

"Not really," Harry admits, laying down a card. "Mum's here, Gemma's here, you're here. Don't really need much else."

"What about a boyfriend, Harry?"

Harry had admitted to being gay and he was very open about it.

"I'll find one eventually," he says with a shrug. "Maybe I'll maybe marry you, Zaynie."

"Way too out of your league, mate," Zayn says with a playful wink.

They laugh as the bell rings, signaling a customer. Zayn places his cards on the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Zayn asks with a smile.

"Hi there. What do you think is your finest flavor?" A light voice asks.

"Well that depends on what you like. Do you like chocolate-"

"No, no. What is your finest flavor?"

"Sir, it depends on your preference."

"But what is the best?"

Zayn began to get frustrated with the boy.


"It's a simple question."


"Yes?" Harry calls in a slow drawl.

"Come. Now," Zayn says, frustrated.

"Coming," he gets up from his seat and walks into the front.

He rubs as his tired eyes and shakes his curls out of his face. He looks up and sees they most beautiful boy I have ever seen. His blue eyes sparkled and his brown hair was perfectly wind swept. Harry couldn't help but stare at the boy.

"Harry, new customer," Zayn huffs and walks toward the back.

"Hi, how may I help you?" Harry flashes a shy smile to the beautiful boy.

"What would you say is your finest flavor of cupcake?" Asks the boy.

"Well, personally, I prefer the red velvet ones."

"I'll have one of those then," the boy smiles.

Harry's heart nearly stops as a blush rises into his cheeks. He reaches behind the glass and grabs a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing.

"Here you go, sir. That will be $2.50."

"Thank you," he smiles and walks to the table.

"It's your turn, Harry," Zayn calls.


Harry walks back to where they were playing cards. Zayn had very indiscreetly moved the cards and had a smile on his face. Harry crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at him. He picks up an old cupcake and tosses it at Zayn. It lands in his hair and Zayn looks thoroughly offended.

Recipe For Disaster Or Love? (Larry Stylinson AU One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now