The Classics

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Name: Lilac Age: 17Occupation: NoneHomeworld: Earth Traits: Quiet, shy, nice, cowardly, strong

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Name: Lilac
Age: 17
Occupation: None
Homeworld: Earth
Traits: Quiet, shy, nice, cowardly, strong

Physical Characteristics

Species: Zombie
Sex: Female
Hair color: Cream
Eye color: Dull red
Libido: Unknown

Likes: Coffee, cartoons, horses, cakes, human body parts, cannibalizing humans, (she dosen't try too) dogs, baseball.

Hobbies: Traveling, singing.

Abbilties: As a zombie she can be impaled, electrocuted, decapitated, drowned, stomped, burned, choked, pummeled, cut, etc. And not die but if her brain is destroyed such as being exploded she will die, although she cannot die to most of these she can still feel pain from them...Another terrible but helpful Abbilty is she can eat almost anything but she can't taste...The only thing she can taste is sweet...

The only thing she can taste is sweet

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Name: Blare Age: 19-23Occupation: (Depends or rp)Homeworld: Earth Traits: Sassy, smug, nice, lazy, laid-back, dominant

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Name: Blare
Age: 19-23
Occupation: (Depends or rp)
Homeworld: Earth
Traits: Sassy, smug, nice, lazy, laid-back, dominant.

Physical Characteristics

Species: Werewolf
Sex: Female (Can be futa)
Hair color: White
Eye color: Yellow
Libido: Average (Depends)

Likes: Video games, cats, dogs, Nature, motorcycles, jewelry, naps, being pretty, cute boys.

Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, making music, going to parties, getting fu*ked up.

Other: She has terrible Bloodlust and sometimes it'll make her do the unthinkable, though normally she's kind.

Abbilties: She is immune to silver, so she thinks she's a badass, but she hates fire...

Name: Allaž (Uh•Lays)Age: 27Occupation: Depends on Rp Homeworld: Earth Traits: Cold, flirty, charming, soft-spoken

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Name: Allaž (Uh•Lays)
Age: 27
Occupation: Depends on Rp
Homeworld: Earth
Traits: Cold, flirty, charming, soft-spoken.

Physical Characteristics

Species: Vampire
Sex: Female
Hair color: Grey
Eye color: Blood red
Libido: Above average

Likes: Blood, her job, Romance novels, candles, baths, red lights, compliments, being praised, sodoku, word searches, crossword puzzles, lo-fi music while working, red lights.

Hobbies: Working, going out on strolls at night, playing cards, piano.

Abbilties: She can turn into bats, she can use blood magic, she is actually allergic to garlic, but she can look into mirrors and see herself, and crosses don't do anything, but stab her, she will have a problem.

Abbilties: She can turn into bats, she can use blood magic, she is actually allergic to garlic, but she can look into mirrors and see herself, and crosses don't do anything, but stab her, she will have a problem

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Name: Litus
Age: 23
Occupation: None
Homeworld: Earth
Traits: Sneeky, sly, scary.

Physical Characteristics

Species: Sea monster
Sex: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Red
Libido: Unknown

Likes: Swimming, taking naps, hot/cold water, ice, snow, fishermen, fish, shiny things, scaring people.

Hobbies: She dosen't have any

Abbilties: She can breathe underwater, she is a super fast swimmer, her bite force is as of a hyena, that will hurt bad Although she is a sea monster she can stay on land up to 10 hours, she stores water in her body which she can spray like a Pokémon!

Abbilties: She can breathe underwater, she is a super fast swimmer, her bite force is as of a hyena, that will hurt bad Although she is a sea monster she can stay on land up to 10 hours, she stores water in her body which she can spray like a Poké...

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Name: Khalid
Age: 25
Occupation: Unknown
Homeworld: Earth
Traits: Bold, prideful, bittersweet, vain.

Physical Characteristics

Species: Former human (Mummy)
Sex: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Libido: Below Average

Likes: Large bodies of water, herself, gifts, birds, sunshine.

Hobbies: Writing poetry.

Abilities: If she wraps her cloth around a target with the thought of hurting them she'll suck the energy out of them.

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