Chapter 13 Coming Over Again

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This Tuesday you didn't have school for some reason you decided to chill and watch some funny videos on your phone a few minutes later there was a knock on the door your mom wasn't up yet so you had to get it Y/N:who could that be? You questioned you then got up went downstairs and opened the door it was Lust Y/N:oh hey Lust hey Y/N she said How are you doing she then questioned Y/N:I'm doing fine you said  you? You then questioned? Lust:I'm doing fine you then started playing with her hair Hey stop that she said laughing Y/N:ok ok hehe she then came in and went upstairs you went upstairs as well you both then chilled you got any ideas of what to do she asked you then said nope you said Lust:heh yeah me neither she said back Y/N:I guess we can chill Lust:yeah I guess a few minutes later you both got bored and got up Y/N:still no ideas Lust:well there is one thing we can do Y/N:what's that Lust:well we could search up DeviantArt cursed photos Y/N:why on earth would we do that Lust:I'll be honest I have no idea Y/N:heh ok what should we search up? Lust:I guess sonic? Y/N:ok then a few minutes later you found alot of cursed photos Both of you:oh god what the hell are these! You both shouted Ok I think that's enough for now Lust:agreed you then got up and then walked up to her Lust:what are y- you then kissed her on the lips and then pulled away Lust:H-hey don't do that when I'm not expecting it she said Y/N:sorry heh Lust:idiot she said while blushing and looking away Aww c'mon don't be like that you said laughing she then slapped you Y/N:ow! You yelled payback she said to you looking back and giggling

End Of Chapter

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