2 | first kiss

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( first kiss. )

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Chōsō doesn't particularly think guarding Tengen is boring. The time passes quickly with Yuki by his side, he's found: whether it's to converse, or to play a game, she's always prone to make things livelier.

It's nice, all in all.

If there's anything he can appreciate, it's her non-judgemental curiosity. It's not every day you find a half-curse wandering about, he knows. He doesn't care much for how people outside his brothers perceive him, but he can't deny not feeling alienated by her is part of why he doesn't mind guarding Tengen.

Which is how he's got himself into this situation.

"Do you prefer black or dark purple?"

He thinks about it for a bit. "Dark purple? I think it would look better."

Yuki's laughter is her delighted surprise, and Chōsō can't help a quirk of his lips. It suits her, the low baritone and the loudness of it. It's strange, how it puts him at ease, how it makes him want to join her.

Then again, she's a strange person.

He stares at her when she starts to paint his nails, her eyes barely wavering from his fingers, concentrating on not screwing it up. She bites her tongue, puts it out as if on display. She's meticulous, eyebrows furrowed, and Chōsō can't help the way he follows all of her little gestures with his gaze.

She's enchanting to watch. Enticing, in a strange, fascinating way.

He wants her.

It's been a few days since the thought's come around his head, and he can't get it out. He's not sure if he wants to, either. It's the first time he's ever felt this way. The first time he's ever wanted someone like this: with his hands twitching to reach out and touch, her skin and her lips and her hair, with his daydreams starring her, smiling and laying down and naked, sometimes, with a need to speak and know more about her, about her habits and her favourite movies and her favourite foods.

It's strange, and it makes him feel like a fawn with the way his legs tremble at the thought.

"Done!" She exclaims, a proud smile adorning her face. "Now, give me the other." She motions with her hands as excitement seeps through her voice.

(Eso would have loved nail polish. He would have loved the black and the dark purple and the pink, the orange and the green. Kechizu would as well, if only because Eso enjoyed it.)

(He misses them.)

Chōsō does give her his other hand. "Here," he says. And curiosity takes over: "Why do you like it so much?"

𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐒,         chosoyuki.Where stories live. Discover now