5 | confessions

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( confessions. )

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"Come on, you can do better," Yuki mocks, trying to get a rise out of her opponent. "You practised this before, come on, dodge!"

Aoi is, contrary to what his peers would expect of him, not having a good time. Yuki is an excellent teacher―she's also a slave driver, and someone who likes pushing him to the limits of his abilities. Not that he's complaining: she's the best thing that's ever happened to him, his new-found brotherhood with that Gryffindor Third Year notwithstanding.

The onslaught of jinxes and spells Yuki throws his way are keeping him on his toes, and it's exhilarating, way more than Quidditch or, Merlin forbid, gobstones. He shudders just by thinking about it.

Their rather one-sided duel comes to an end about half an hour later, when Yuki's alarm goes off. She enjoys tutoring Aoi, and recruiting him for the Duelling Club is still one of her best decisions to date.

"Your strategy will be a lot more effective if instead of following an Impedimenta with a Bombarda, you go with a Leek Jinx, especially if your opponent is still on the defensive," she says, gathering her things before heading out, the lesson over. With a flick to his forehead, she adds: "Also, dodge. Just because you can take hits doesn't mean a Bat-Bogey Hex won't get to you."

Aoi nods, grinning at her even with that bloody nose he's still sporting, and she snorts. What a cocky Fifth Year. She wouldn't have him any other way.

In any case, she's got Advanced Arithmancy soon, so she bids him goodbye and disappears through the corridors with a bit of haste in her steps.

She would like to say it's a coincidence, that she's taking the long route towards the classroom because her legs hadn't been properly stretched out after that workout with Aoi and, really, why not walk for a bit―

But she's not in the habit of lying to herself, and she knows exactly why she's hurrying up and why she's going through the backyard instead of just taking the stairs to the seventh floor.

She knows he's going to be there. There's nothing about the way she takes a left instead of going up the stairs that's a coincidence.

Her heart, traitorous and greedy, jumps when her eyes lay on him. Messy black hair, eyebags, yellow tie, it couldn't be anyone else. He's leaning against the wall, talking casually with one of his friends, Hanami or something, and he's just―so fucking pretty.

It's unfair, really.

"Yuki," he says, voice deep and surprised, and by Merlin, she shouldn't be affected like this every time she hears his voice. But he smiles, and Yuki forgets her grievances. "I thought you were tutoring Tōdō?"

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