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A few days had passed and Rafe had been acting weird for most of them. You'd had sex but it wasn't personal or passionate like it was before. He hadn't kissed you on the lips once and was just being dry and weird. It hurt and you wanted to ask him why he was acting like this but you hadn't said anything to him yet though.

JJ Maybank
> you still on for tonight?
> yh def
JJ Maybank
> cool, il pick u up at 8
> cant wait x
Rafe x
> u going to the kegger tonight?
> want me to pick u up? x
> I'm actually going w JJ
> sorry x
Rafe x
> uh wtf y? whatever il see u there

You start to get ready for the the kegger. You get dressed, do some makeup, brush out your hair and put on some jewellery.

You check the time on your phone, 8:02

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You check the time on your phone, 8:02.
You step put your door and lock it behind you. You turn to face the driveway and JJ is standing, leaning against his motorbike, watching you.

You greet each other and he complements they way you look, then you straddle your leg over and sit of the back of his bike. You wrap your arms around his torso, which is pretty rock hard.
You enjoy the ride, you let the wind fly onto your face and through your hair.

You eventually make it to the beach on the cut and JJ parks his motorbike. You both get off and you look at him, "thanks for the ride" you say.

He leads you down to where everyone is on the beach and you say hi to some people on the way. You reach the kegger full of beer and JJ fills a cup and hands it to you. You take it smiling at him, you wanted to have fun tonight!

And you do. You chat and drink and laugh for a few hours until JJ takes your hand and gestures towards the inky black sea, only lit by a trickle of white moon light.

"Wanna go for a swim?" he asks you.

You look at him and laugh, "uh, yes" you reply with a grin as you start to jog down the beach.

"I don't have a swim suit" you say though giggles, "neither" JJ replies, stopping on the sand and ripping his shirt off and throwing down onto the sand, revealing his toned stomach. "You like what you see?" he asks, jokingly.

You stop next to him and laugh, "maybe" you breath whilst slipping off your shorts onto the sand.

You remove your top so you are now stood with just a matching pair of black lace knickers and bra, "you?" You ask, smiling.

He looks at you, "can't say no to that!" he replies and takes your hand and you both run down the remainder of the beach.

You both smash and kick into the sea, laughing and glancing at each other between taking in the view of the wide open ocean.

As it gets deeper, you decide to dive in, the water on your body is refreshing but also soothing. You come back out from the surface and let out a deep breath. Soon after, JJ appears and looks over at you smiling with a bit of a sneaky smirk.

He wades closer to you, his face becoming more serious and you make your way closer to him. Maybe part of it was everything going on with Rafe but you just wanted to kiss JJ. Right there, in the ocean.

Your faces become even closer and without hesitation your lips meet. The kiss is passionate but calm and soft. His hands trail up your back, up to your shoulders and neck, and yours run through his wet hair.

You pull apart and look into each other's eyes and smile. You let out a small giggle.

"You cold?" He asks, still grinning.

"Kinda" you reply,

"I've got towels in the Twinkie" he says turning away and wading through the water back to the shore.

You don't follow, so he turns back to look at you, "the Twinkie?" you ask, raising your eyebrows, teasing him.

He roles his eyes, "the van. I've got towels in the van."

You just laugh and jog through the water. JJ stand there for a moment watching you.

"You coming?" You shout, without turning around, grinning as you just called him out for staring at you.

"Whatever" he mumbles though laughs, shaking his head.

You come out of the water and he takes you to the van, avoiding the main party.

You sit in the passenger seat and he opens the sliding door and reaches for two towels. He opens the driver door and chucks a towel at you.

You weren't prepared so it hits you in the face before you can catch it. You laugh, "cheers."

He lets out a small chuckle as he hops into the drivers seat and you both dry off.

"You got a cig?" You ask glancing over at him.

He reaches into the glove box and pulls out a slightly battered, half empty packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

He opens the lit and leans it over to you, you take one and he lights it from your hand.

You chat and share the cigarette for a while.


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Emma Burton - OBX | Rafe Cameron, (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now