chapter 5: blue flowers.

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Frisk pov.
I got all the way into this next area. I have no clue where I ran. We stopped. "Your ok cocoa?" She trying to catch her breath. "Sorry. I'm just excited to get to know you!" I waited for a bit. She ok up. She wrote. Note book: "ok. I'm ready" I nodded. We started walking as I'm looking around. Boogie: "this is waterfall. Probably the only peaceful places here. We could stay here and let things past" maybe. For now. I want to spend time with cocoa. I want to understand her better. But this place is beautiful. It like. Looking at the sky of the moonlight sky. I wonder if that real stars. Or the roof of the underground. It very peaceful. Cocoa when to look st the water. Boogie: "frisk. What are you planning? Are you going to use her for ransom?" What!? "No! I'm not going to do that!" Boogie: "than why did you bring her?" I looked at her. "For years I didn't have friends. The ones I knew all died or are now living there hell. So. I want to have a friend. That I can call one" I walked over to her. She bend over looking at the water. "There something interesting?" She wrote what she wants to say. Cocoa: "I like staring at water. It calm" I nodded. "Agree. watching it is always peaceful" i wonder. If I die. Would i have finally be free. "Come on. I want to see more of this place" we than started walking. It was a quiet walk. Boogie keeping his eye out as I'm walking forwards. His one eye I should say. This place is very blue. Like that blue song. I'm blue. But I can hear the sound of the water moving. It splashing. It very peaceful. Cocoa was looking out at the water that she grab out her note book. I believe she drawing a picture. She I hope she doesn't bump into anything. There a guard station we walked past. I saw no one there. Boogie: "keep moving. They could be right behind us. If you want to spend time with the mute. Than continue forwards" he right. This is my only chance to get a friend. Even if she a mute. I don't care. I want to be her friend. At least try to be. We continue forwards. There no monsters Around. I wonder why. I would love to meet them. If they don't attack me. Maybe I could learn some history about this place. Than we got to a path where there no bridge. I looked around for planks or something to make a path. "Did we take a wrong turn?" Boogie: "nope this way is definitely the way there" hmmm. "Boogie. Can you used your Vines to make a bridge?" Boogie: "I wish. If only I haven't gotten weaker" damn it. How? Cocoa than point her hands forwards. Than I see plants started coming out of the ground and made a bridge. "Wow" boogie: "she can do plant magic?" Cocoa looked away. "That amazing! I didn't know you can do magic!" She covered her ears. "Oops. Sorry. I forget that sometimes" note book: "it ok. Asriel does too. I know plant magic. I create different plants" that amazing! She has many surprises than I thought. Maybe more. "Thank you cocoa" we walked over the plant bridge and continue ahead. It another peaceful walk. Cocoa Is drawing something. I try to peek bug I can't see it. I than hear voices. I think they are coming from up high. Infront of us was tall grass. "Wow. Someone must not have been keeping a eye on the grass here" boogie: "if that was supposed to be funny. It not" I try ok! We enter it. I can barley see. "Hold my hand cocoa. We could get lost" they stare at my hand. They slowly took it. I made sure not to grip on it. We slowly move though it. Boogie moving them out of the way to make a path. Even if it making him lose breath. We got out of it. "Thanks boogie" note book: "thank you boogie" boogie: "stop. Your making me blush" can flowers blush? We than continue on.
Asriel pov.
I'm finally done. Now I can spend the whole day with cocoa. I got to the door and. It not locked? I open it. "Cocoa! I'm home!" I called out. I didn't hear footsteps. "Cocoa?" I went up to her room. Her door left open. I looked in there. I didn't see her. Now I'm worried. I looked everywhere inside. She not inside! Where is she! I hope she not walking around. It too dangerous! I put on my outfit and went to look for her. She couldn't have gotten far thanks to this blizzard. So where could she be? I than see my jail building door open. Why is it open? I looked inside and see the cell door open. The human escaped. How? And did they take cocoa. How dare they!!! My monster blood boils and my fire is burning!!! They will pay for evening touching her. If they think they can just come here and take her. They got another thing coming!!! I send the message to all of my soldiers that the human had escape and could have taken my sister. I want them to hunt for her and bring her to me. Don't harm cocoa or else. Don't worry cocoa. Your hero is coming!
Frisk pov.
We got to a dark area to which I see a path. Boogie: "man this way is too dark" you said it. We began to move until I see red eye staring at us. "Um" I looked at them as it stares me down. I step back abit. Thinking that it might attack me. I than see fire appeared next to it. Is it going to attack us. Than fire started appearing down the path. Lighting the way. I than see cocoa waving. Than the red eye disappear. "What was that?" Boogie: "I think I may know but it best to leave it for some othertime" I nodded. Cocoa took the lead as we followed from behind. We got to the end of it. "Who was that you waved at?" Notebook: "my mum" her mum? She lives here. Boogie: "just as I thought" hm? Boogie: "your mother is captain of the royal army isn't she?" Cocoa nodded. What!? Her mother is a captain! That cool!! Boogie: "frisk she the one we need to look out for. There a reason she captain of his royal army" really? Cocoa looks happy to see them. "I think it ok. Cocoa is happy to see her. So everything alright" we than continue walking. I looked up to the so called stars. Even though it just crystals. It still beautiful. Boogie: "wish I was on the surface. Seeing reals stars" really? "Is that your dream?" Boogie: "Yup. Been wanting to see it for years. I try to climb out of the underground many times. Bur failed. I wish to see it someday" well. I don't know how to help with that. It not like I have a plan to free this place. I don't even know where to start. I just want to be somewhere save. Notebook: "I like it down here. It away from the mean people" mean people? "Your talking about the humans are you" she went silent. She didn't say anything. Or even wrote anything. She just continued walking. Without writing. ???: "hello there!" Hm? I looked behind us. I see a little monster. Kid. Monster kid: "my name monster kid!" I smiled. "My name frisk! This is boogie!" Boogie looked away. Monster kid: "nice to meet you! Tell me. What are you doing here? Alot of monsters are not allow to go around this place without permission" permission? "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be home?" Monster kid: "oh don't worry! I have permission! Here!" He showed me a paper. He holding it qith his mouth. It says that he has permission. "Oh. I think I have mine" boogie: "right here" he hold it out for me. "Yup! Here it is! Thanks boogie!" He blushed. Or I think he did but he still kept his I don't Give a damn face. Monster kid: "so your here on your own?" On my own? "No. I'm here with her" I turn around to point to her. But she was not there. "Where did she go?" Boogie: "she went ahead" oh no! "Sorry but I have to caught up to my friend!" I than started running. I looked for her. I than see her drawing. "There *huff* you *huff* are" she looked at me. "You had me worried. I thought I lost you. I was talking to someone name monster kid" she looked at me surprised. Note book: "you. Were worried about me?" She put a mini her with a question mark on top. "Of course. I'm worried. That what friends do. We worried about eachother. Even if we just met" i smiled. She looked away. She doesn't trust me. "I guess I still have along way. You don't have to trust me. I'll try and keep you save even if it weird for me too" she looked at me. I think I saw a surprised look. She looked away embarrassed. We than went ahead. We got to another long platform's. But nothing attacked us or anything. I looked at cocoa drawings and I see there are alot of flower ones. She loves flowers. Then we got to a raining area. I looked to see umbrella. I grab two and open one for her and boogie hold the other one for me. We started walking. Cocoa is wet abit. I looked at her. I see her jersey is really wet. It sticking to her. Big. Breast. No! Don't think that! We are friends! I must keep it that way! We than got to a staute. It looks old and shot up. The rain falling onto it makes it look sad. I walked you to it and gave it my umbrella. Boogie: "frisk? Why did you do that?" I shrugged. "It looks sad with the rain coming down on it" we than started moving. I looked to see cocoa is drawing the sad staute. But with the umbrella. The sound of the rain. It very peaceful. I can't lie when I say I like it. I always love watching the rain. It loud. It peaceful. But most importantly. No one will listening to you if you try to cry for help. *sigh* I bump into something. "Ow" boogie: "watch where your going. You bump into a dead-end" I did. Damnit. "It looks like I took a wrong turn" than I feel plants coming out of the ground. Than a platform coming out of the ground from the plants. It moved us up until we were at the ledge. "Oh. I didnt know this was here. Thank cocoa" she smiled. I hope that means she trust me a little bit. We than walked ahead. We got to the end. "Wow. That must be far. Boogie can you see the bottom?" Boogie: "nope. Not from here I cant" damn it. "Cocoa. I dont want to ask too much of you. Since you help make platforms and bridges with your plants. Think you can make one to lower us down. If you cant that alright" they started thinking. Than they raise there hand forwards. Plants started coming out of the walls. It started to combine into something. Like a platform that goes down. "Nice cocoa! I hope I didn't push it" she walked onto it. I followed. It than started going down. Before u looked away I see someone standing right on where we were. I couldn't get a good look at who before we went down.

Liquid: "here you go. Peace!"

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