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Willas Tyrell

Bitterbridge, 300AC

Waiting on Loras riding back to Bitterbridge felt like it was taking an entire winter. Yet despite being annoyed by it, it was something that needed to be done. For days they had read over the raven that had been sent to him whilst in Highgarden and trying to think of ways in which they could prove it as a mummery. No matter how hard they tried though, everyone agreed that it fit far too perfectly into the timeline to be one. They had sent a raven to Leyton Hightower- his grandfather- to see if there was any verification within the Citadel to prove the claim the boy everyone believed to be Eddard Stark's bastard was currently making. If there was, then it was something to be looked in to.

With House Tyrell being bound by blood to House Hightower, they were granted knowledge on things that otherwise were played as complete falsehoods. One they had kept quiet was Rhaenyra Targaryen's temporary victory of six months in which she did sit the Iron Throne rightfully. Whilst history books wrote on how she was a usurper who was jealous of the rightful heir, they knew the truth. A truth they had succeeded to squash for more than one hundred years and it was one they did not want getting out now. The main one however, was the truth of House Baratheon.

Whispers were spoken prior to the conquest but nothing had ever been confirmed with certainty. Until there was a letter found on Orys Baratheon's mother from Aerion Targaryen offering their child safety if need be. Was it something that was still taught in Storm's End? Probably not if Robert Baratheon's rage was anything to go by. Even in the Reach it was known how much he despised the dragons. To the point of refusing to name his own grandmother by her full name and simply referring to her as Rhaelle, wife of Ormund Baratheon. Kinslaying was one of the biggest sins, and it had filled his grandmother with disgust when word got to her of how Robert had killed Rhaegar himself. Whilst the two were cousins removed- they were still cousins. Blood lines could not be refuted no matter how hard one tried to do so.

No, history was what was written. Not all of it truth, and not all of it necessarily a lie. Always written in such a way that it was favourable to all parties at said time.

Willas shook his head before staring down at the map to determine their forces and what they could do. Fifty thousand remained with them, two thousand were riding back with Loras, and eight thousand had turned their cloaks. The latter worried him because if some of those who did turn their cloaks were ones they had kept in war councils amongst other meetings, their movement could be presented to Stannis which would weaken them greatly. They need to make a decision, and they needed to make one soon. The men were restless, all of them itching for a fight. Knowing deep within him that if they stalled any longer they would likely desert.

They had two offers. Both of which were desirable, but it was figuring out which one was most desirable that was difficult. Not long after Lady Catelyn had left with Renly to Storm's End, Margaery confirmed Lord Petyr Baelish had come with an offer from Tywin Lannister. Offering marriage with Margaery and Joffrey alongside offering a white cloak to Loras. It was one according to his grandmother she was close to accepting but this was thrown into the abyss when he had ridden into the camp with the second offer. Both offered similar perks.

To agree to the one with the one who currently held the throne or to agree to the one going for the throne?

He hadn't said so aloud, but Willas was leaning towards the latter. If it weren't for House Targaryen, House Tyrell would never have grown to the height it was. They were stewards appointed after the Field of Fire, regularly looked down on and something they had worked for decades to stamp out before they were accepted. Even accepted was putting it lightly as many Reach House's believed it should be them who had Highgarden and not them. Numerous spies he had in the capital always reported on Prince Joffrey being difficult to control. Whilst he didn't doubt Margaery's abilities, he loved his sister. If he could help it, he would keep her from all danger. The tent flap opened and his mother walked in wearing a small smile on her face.

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