Chapter One (The Dare)

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I made this story for one of my friends, SleepyOni9 so shoutout to you

(Okay so Emma has brown hair, A stripe of white due to trauma, fangs, green eyes, and she is 5'4, 5 inches shorter than her brother and Vax.)

We sat in a bar, racing Grog to a beer race.

Well, everyone except me. I sat by myself at a table with water. I had my gun cleaning kit out and I was cleaning my gun. Percy has one too, identical to mine, although he calls it a pepperbox.

I had just put my gun up as a man, probably 5'7, sat next to me. And boy, was he drunk. He laid a hand on my thigh and said, "Hey, you're really pretty. What are you doing all alone at night?"

I was really shy, and it wasn't because I liked him. It was because I dont like strangers. And this guy had a dad bod and he was not attractive. So I shook my head.

He pinched my cheek and I slapped his hand away. I went to stand up and he grabbed me and yanked me down.

"Did I say you could go? No, I'm talking you home... You'll do nicely. And I didn't even have to go to a brothel.." He gave me a sick smile and I fought against his grip. I punched him in the eye and ran toward my brother as he let go of me.

"Percy!" I squeaked.

Percy looked behind me and looked at Vax. I stood in between Percy and the wall to his left, as far away from the creep as I could be.

The man ran over, blind rage, screaming incoherently, and yelled at me. I don't do too well with yelling. It makes me angry and I get violent.

I stepped forward, yanking the dagger I had in my belt out and put it against his neck before he could blink. " Dont yell at me, whore. Get out of here before I show you how fast I can end your life."

I think that was the most anyone in the group, besides Percy, Vax, Vex, or Keyleth had heard me talk, and definitely the most violent thing. Vax and Vex smiled at me, Keyleth was barfing and the rest of the group was staring shocked at me. Scanlan was in the back room with the bar keeps daughter, god knows what he was doing.

The man ran out of the bar, and I pulled an empty chair out next to Grog and sat down, sheathing my dagger.

Vax high fived me over the table. I smiled shyly and high fived back. Vex shouted, "Oi, barkeep! Another round of ale for Vox Machina, the realms greatest set of mercenaries!"

A tall, buff man laughed as he walked by. "I heard you couldn't even save a cow from a burning building. Vox Machina!" He laughed with his cronies. "What a fucking joke!" He sat at the table right behind ours. Vax stood up, twirling a dagger in his hands, plunging the blade into the wood.

"Let's keep things civil, friend." He said, his voice sending shivers through my spine and overriding my brain. I got them under control and stood up, standing to his right and maybe a foot behind him.

The man stood back up and laughed, standing in front of Vax. "Look st your scrawny ass! Couldn't even tickle your own pickle.."

Vax smirked, and poked the man's bicep. "Are you offering to help?"

The man stuttered before getting out a, "What the fuck?"

Vax grinned. I saw Grog out of the corner of my eye, his battle axe in hand. "What? I'm just asking you to give me a hand!"

Vax yanked the mans arm out, his hand open. Grog brought his battle axe down onto the man's wrist, his hand coming clean off. The man screamed. Blood squirting out of his arm and now severed hand in beat with his heart.

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