Chapter Two (The Possibility)

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We stood in front of Uriel. I was running through scenarios in my head, with me and Vax.

What?! No i... You can't be.

The worst one..

Pike had just told me the possibility that something happened. I couldn't believe it.

(just pretend they have been hunting the dragon for a week ik that they did it in two days but use ur imagination)

Pike had told me yesterday that she wanted to check something.

She had told me there was a possibility that I was pregnant..

I didn't believe her. I mean, I know Vax did the dare, but c'mon!

I couldn't be. Right? Oh gods, Percy will kill me...

We had decided to follow the creepy guy that looks emo. We followed him all the way to General Krieg's house. We followed him to the basement, me Vax and Vex near the front.

"What are you doing?" Vex asked, her bow out and an arrow notched.

"It isn't want it looks like! This is proof that Krieg i-" the creepy man gurgled and he fell the the ground. Krieg stepped out of the shadows with a bloody sword in his hand.

I gripped my dagger tighter. He looked me up and down and said, "Ah, hello lassie." He flicked his wrist and I flew towards him.

I tried grabbing onto Vax, but failed. I squirmed in Krieg's arms as he held a sword to my throat.

"Let her go!" Vax shouted, daggers out and ready.

"Come get her." He ran through the halls.

"Dammit!" Vax yelled, following his footsteps.

He ran into his office and I screamed to let them know where I was.

He jumped through a painting of his and we entered a large cavern.

"I'm gonna end your life, lassie. You see, I can tell you are expecting. What better than to leave your body there for you friends to see?" He held the sword to my neck.

"W-what?" I asked? "Im what?!"

He rolled his eyes. He looked back at me, and I guess he saw the shock and terror on my face. "You really didn't know? Oh!" He cackled. His sword dropped and with his free hand he covered his face. "You are such an idiot! Oh my gods!" He straightened and his face went stone cold. "Goodbye."

I smirked. "No, goodbye to you." I threw my dagger at him, distracting him long enough for the rest of the group to come through the portal. I hand noticed Grog's hand a few seconds before and I knew they were close. I leapt up, grabbing my dagger from his arm.

I wrestled with him for his sword. He let go of it and ran further into the cave.

I rolled, the sword scraping against the ground as it slid in front of me.

I stood up and ran after him.

The group was behind me. I could feel my cloak billowing behind me and I saw Vax running next to me in the corner of my eye. We got to a large opening to see a blue dragon standing on a platuo looking thing. I slid to a stop and grabbed the back of Vax's shirt to keep him from flying off the edge..

I heard Krieg's voice boom through the cavern. "I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR CHILD, WOMAN!" he said to me.

I narrowed my eyes at the dragon and yelled back, "Not if you get killed first, you son of a bitch!"

I nodded to Vax, who, I guess, didn't register what the dragon said. He and I jumped off the edge and landed rolling, the rest of the group behind us. Everyone either hid behind a rock or wall, except me. I continued to run towards the giant platform in the middle of the cavern.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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