Chapter:6 Class Trial

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Before I Start This One I Just Wanna Say...


Everyone Was Going To The Gym, Meanwhile Shuichi Was Eyeing Himiko.

  Himiko POV
''s gonna think.....I did it.....'

"Alright Students!" said Monokuma
"We will be having a class trial in the Gym, we have no chairs so sit on the me!"

Everyone starts to sit on the ground.

"Now, this is how a class trial works," said Monokuma

*Not Re-Writing It Because Youll Know If You Watched/Played Danganronpa*
"Is That Understood?" said Monokuma

Everyone nod's their heads.

"Class trial starts now!" said Monodam

"Aye shut up Monodam!" said Monokid

"Shut up both of you!" said Monokuma

As the class trial starts, Shuichi almost immidiantly accuses Himiko for the murder.

"It was Himiko! She's the one responsible for Rantaro's Murder! said Shuichi

"Please..Shuichi..I swear it wasnt me..." said Himiko.

"Liar!" shouted Shuichi

"You Killed Rantaro! Admit It!"

"I swear I didnt do it!" said Himiko

"Yeah right, we might as well get you ready for your execution." said Shuichi

"You got proof?" said Miu

"Yes I do infact!" said Shuichi

"As I & Kaede were walking down the hallway to go to the cafeteria, Himiko ran infront of us and said......'I dont think you wanna go in here..' Clue 1! said Shuichi.

"The moment we reached the cafeteria, we BOTH saw Rantaro's Dead Body, Clue 2! said Shuichi

"I guess you have a point Kuzuhara." said Miu

"Saihara." said Shuichi

"I just fuckin said that, Kuzuhara! said Miu

"Y'know what nevermind." said Shuichi

"Hold on a minute Shuichi!" said Kaede

"You should let Himiko have a say!" said Kaede

        Shuichi POV
🌷🌸🌷🌸 🌷🌸🌷🌸
'I almost forgot! The suspect needs to explain their side of the story!'

"Youre right Kaede I shouldve let Himiko have a say." said Shuichi

"Well, I got up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty." said Himiko

"So I went to the cafeteria to get juice, then I saw Rantaro's dead body and ran back to bed out of fright...." said Himiko

"I shouldve told sorry I didnt." said Himiko

"I think Himiko is telling the truth." said Tenko

"As reasonable as that is, I have only one question." said Shuichi

"Why didnt you want us to see his body?" said Shuichi

"Think about it what would you do if you were in my shoes?" said Himiko

"I had 2 choices, let them see his dead body or try to make them stop!" said Himiko

"I guess youre right." said Shuichi

"Im sorry that I accused you of something you didnt do." said Shuichi

"Its fine." said Himiko

"You had every right to think it was me." said Himiko

"Well if it aint Himiko then who killed Rantaro? said Miu

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