Episode 11

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Seth was a man full of surprises. Nikki had found that out in the months that they had been dating. Whether it was his need to spring up date nights even when they were out on the road, or revealing that he had a submissive streak a mile long when it came to anything bedroom related, he always had a way of keeping her on her toes. But one of the biggest things that had surprised (and amused) her was just how sensitive he was. The simplest of touch from her could drive him absolutely wild. She could come up to him and merely brush her fingers against his back and he would shiver at the contact. His neck though, was a biggest hot spot. And it was something she loved to exploit for her own amusement. It made him whine and wish that he hadn't ever let her find out about it. His words would just make her smirk. Even if he bitched, she knew he liked it. The look in his eyes always gave away the truth.

She made her way down the hall, her title slung over her shoulder as she went. She had already changed into her ring gear even though she wouldn't be on for another hour and a half. Seth had left her to go talk to Dean about what they would be doing in their match, but she figured they had had enough time to go over strategy. She found them in catering, each seated on opposite sides of the table in the center of the room. Their hands were outstretched and she stopped to watch them take turns hitting each other in the knuckles as hard as they could. Dean laughed each time Seth hit him while Seth yelped and called Dean an asshole each time he did it. "What are you two even doing?" she had to ask as she approached.

"Playing Bloody Knuckles," Dean replied. He didn't even so much as look at her. His attention was zeroed in on Seth's hands, which looked to be in much worse shape than his.
Nikki made a face. She almost found herself asking why but stopped before the words left her. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to know. Instead she just grinned at Seth, who eyed her warily.

"What?" he asked suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Nothing." She grabbed his hair and moved it out of the way.

"It don't look like nothing."

"It is nothing. I just uh...wanted to do this." She swooped in and kissed his neck, her teeth nipping at the skin right after. He immediately jumped, a moan somewhat escaping him before he managed to silence the rest of it. Dean had still heard him though. He laughed loudly, making Seth glare at him and Nikki smirk.

"You are too fucking easy dude."
Seth glared at him more before turning to Nikki. "Did you really have to do that?"

"Mhm!" She patted him on the shoulder. "I'll see you later." She turned on her heels and walked away. She was surely going to pay for that later but she figured it would be more than worth it

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