Chapter 2

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Y/n was looking around, Because she had saw a store that had lots of sweets! But she bumped into someone on accident, the person that she bumped into was, A random stranger, "Sir I'm sorry!" She bowed, the man only looked at her, and smirked, as he was about to touch her, a man came up and gripped his hand, Y/n looked up, and was surprised.

The man Introduced himself. "Zhongli, pleasure to meet you Ms..?" Y/n snapped out of it and said "Y/n!" Zhongli smiled and said, "Hello Ms. Y/n." She blushed, because his Voice was So Smoothing. Y/n then said. "Would you like to go with me to a store?" She said, he nodded. And y/n took his hand, and led him there. Once they got there, y/n and Zhongli ordered. Both of them ordered Mochi. Since y/n liked it. But the Waiter came back and said "that would be 15000 Mora." Zhongli took out his wallet to see if he had any mora.. but he didn't. "I forgot my mora." The Y/n Sweatdropped. She took out her wallet and payed.

Aether will appear in chapter... 9?

Hoped you enjoyed♡


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