My Movie Co-Star is gay, and he's my boyfriend.

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Chapter One: My Co-Star's Dilemma

Buckingham Palace zoomed past my line of vision, as the car i was seated in drove down the many streets of London. My face was pressed against the glass, nose smashed against the window, as I tried to get a look out the black tinted windows of my limo. I watched as many cyclists and walkers stopped at sight of the white limo I was seated in, awe on their faces, and I suddenly wished that I was still one of them. The person on the outside of the limo, watching it pass by, as thoughts of who could be seated inside it wandered in their mind.

That used to be me, before I became Jaquelin Rosier, a well known French actor,singer, and fashion idol from Paris,France. Life had been so much easier before my recognition. I had once been a normal teenage girl, who dreamed of become rich and famous. But then I met Natasha Bruner, my work agent and before I knew it, my dreams became my reality.

Natasha had really taken great care of me. We had met two years ago at a carnival, where my school had put on our play. I, being one of the back up dancers, had gotten a tiny solo, that somehow sparked my singing career.

Natasha was sitting next to me, settled in her seat, with a laptop perched on her lap, and a blue-tooth on her ear. She was a pretty red head, with brown eyes and freckles that sprinkled her cheeks. Natasha was wearing one of the suits I had modeled for my fashion line, a mauve skirt with a white blouse, a jacket to match the skirt, and black stiletto heels. "No, Mr. Orvel I am sorry but my client refuses to be seen in public with Jessica Pasters." Natasha turned to me to give me the 'It's all under control' look, and gave a thumbs up. Mr. Orvel must have said something upsetting, because Natasha suddenly gave a haughty laugh. "As if! Those two girls are enemies, and I will not allow that petty actress anywhere near Jacquelin!"

I gave a sigh and faced the window once more. Natasha was very aggressive when it came to taking care of me. You could call her more or less, the mother hen of my crew. Natasha is the only mother figure I had ever had in my life. My past years had been spent in foster care, with ten other children in a huge victorian home owned by an old witch of a women who only came by three times a week to check on us.

"Ms. Rosier, we'll be arriving in ten minutes." Maurice, my limo driver announced through the speakers. My gaze wavered from London's shops, at the sound of his voice. I turned in my seat, eyes finally resting on my 'boyfriend' who sat across from me in a rigid state. "Jaqui(Jackie) is it normal for me to be this nervous?" Alexi asked, giving me an intense hazel eyed stare. Alexi was my current co-star and best friend. Because of our movie roles, we had to date in order to please the fans. It was all publicity, an act just to sell our movie. Alexi was actually gay, or that's what he believed. My friend wasn't to sure on his sexuality, mainly because he had never been kissed before, which came across as a shock to me.

Alexi was positively handsome. The best looking boy from the United States I had ever laid eyes on, who I first met in a cafe. It had been a business deal between our two agents, and ever since we'd been inseparable. Alexi had blonde curls that fell into two beautiful color changing hazel eyes. If he wasn't gay, I probably would have jumped his bones by now. "Well, I guess so. I mean this is our first meeting with our movie director and cast. Honestly I'm freaking out as well." Alexi patted the spot next to him, and I got up, and moved to sit there. His hand found mine, and I gave his a tight reassuring squeeze.

As I looked at my best friend, I noticed the pink rising in his cheeks, a cute blush that made him look hot. "Your blushing Lex, what are you thinking about." he raised our intertwined hands to his cheek and scowled. "I am not blushing!" he protested, his cheeks turning even pinker. "Are too!" I yelled back, pinching his cheek. Alexi stuck his tongue out at me, and I grinned, reached out and grasped his tongue with my thumb and forefinger. "Tell me what you were thinking and I will release your tongue." Alexi glared at me, and slapped at my hands playfully, before nodding once. I let go and he crossed his arms over his chest, and pouted. "Alright Lex, tell me." I said and Alexi shook his head. "I never said when I would tell you." he grinned deviously, and I whined," Alexi! You promised!" From across the limo Natasha shushed me.

"Alright, I was thinking about how we have to kiss for this movie, and you'll be my first, and I'm so inexpirenced that I'm scared I'll make a fool of myself." I couldn't help but aww at Alexi's cute dilemma. I pulled him into a hug, and kissed his cheek, which made him blush again. "Aww, Lex, that's such a cute thing for a guy to say. Tell you what, i'll help you practice the kiss before we meet these people. After all, I am from the city where kissing is a big thing. French kissing!" I teased, and Alexi laughed at me. He pushed me away lightly, and pecked my cheek. "Thank you Jaquie! I'll try my best not to suck." At his words, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. "Innuendo!" I giggled, and Alexi laughed with me, as Natasha shot us a glare.

We arrived at our new temporary house, which was in the West End side of London. It was a good size two story house, nothing too fancy because I hated special treatment. Alexi unbuckled his seat, as I did at the same time, and we bolted out of the link before Maurice could even open the door up for us. I had the house keys in my hand, and quickly unlocked the door. "Dibs on the room with the best view!" I screeched, and Alexi stopped mid run, and I skidded to a stop right into his back. My head smacked hard against his back, and my nose throbbed.

Rubbing at my aching nose I pushed Alexi. "Hey! What gives!" I demanded, and Alexi swung around, grasped my hand and pulled me up the stairs, into the second door on the left. It was a big bedroom, with a light blue and white color scheme, and a bo-window looking out to the city. "Dibs!" I called, grinning like a chesire cat, when Alexi lightly pushed me against the closest wall, after locking the bedroom door. "Sure thing peaches, now kiss me." My eyes grew at his sudden demand, and I almost questioned him, before I realized that I had offered kissing lessons.

"Alright, calm your horses, this isn't something we just jump into. First, place your hands on my hips, and slowly draw me into your body, so we are pressed chest to chest." Alexi gulped, but obliged and pulled me close, up against his own body. I don't think I ever realized till that exact moment, just how fit and well defined Alexi's body was. His muscles flexed beneath the tee he wore, and my eyes fixed themselves on his sexy arms. Was it possible that I was crushing on my gay best friend

Hello People! This is my first story on this account...I have another account...but I won't say which one that is...that's a secret. So, I'd enjoy some feedback to this story, any ideas? Is it a good informational first chapter? Wha do you think of the characters so far...? Comment, Add, and Vote! I appreciate it all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2011 ⏰

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