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Many thoughts taunted Professor Carter's mind as he took his last breath of crisp Autumn air. Boarding was in progress, and he was merely feet away from his life's calling. Stepping cautiously, the Professor progressed through the large metal doorway, and with nothing more than a mechanical clunk, was sealed inside.

"Are you sure you're ready for this Carter?" a familiar timid voice sounded over the loudspeaker.

"I..." the professor paused for a moment. "...I believe I am."

"This project of yours better damn well work. We're all counting on you, Carter."

His sacrifice, he hoped, would save the lives of millions. Years of research and constant analysis had all lead to this final goodbye. The Earthcore protests, the ocean famine, and the constant fear—all overcome by a strong passion and life-long persistence. Inhabitance of this world were only numbers to him however; the true intentions behind his work were strictly scientific.

"Beginning countdown. All personal clear launching-bay."

Yes, the aspirations and childhood dreams of the Professor were now only minutes away from being realised. Project Cytogen was under way. The slow rhythmic flashing of green and yellow lights brought comfort to his ever-busy mind. This was his purpose, and it was about to be fulfilled.

"10... 9... 8..."

Strapped securely in his black piloting chair he prepared for his final departure.

"3... 2... 1... Lift off!"

As the massive white-hot flames of the rocket ignited, a huge pulse of energy engulfed the entire base. The Professor had began his accent into darkness, the great beyond. A void from which he would never return.

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