Bright, blue eyes

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[Wilbur's POV]

Wilbur's mind was rushing with thoughts as the boy he knew for years, and had known as his younger brother was taken away by the scum known as Dream. His head filled with thoughts such as 'I should have been quicker' or 'I'll kill that green man'.. But mainly, he was thinking about how he looked. Tommy was still so young, and yet, he had been forced to go to war. How old was he currently? Nine.. He was Nine years old. He looked as if he hadn't been fed in weeks. His skin was so pale, Wilbur could have mistaken him for a zombie. 'All of this...' Wilbur thought. 'Because I couldn't protect my own country,' And  so as Wilbur ran, he couldn't stop thinking about how he could have stopped this, and how his brother, HIS Tommy, could have had a normal childhood. And so as he ran towards the blonde boy and the man dressed in green, he couldn't stop thinking about how Tommy should be thinking about girls (or boys, Wilby doesn't discriminate), and friends, and why he doesn't want to eat his vegetables, instead of thinking about whether or not everybody he loves is going to die. And so as he ran towards his younger brother, his sun, his everything... he couldn't stop himself from screaming. From pain. From fear. From sadness. "TOMMY!" He screamed. "WILBUR, BEHIND YOU!" He heard his brother yell back. But Wilbur didn't have time to look back. He didn't have time for anything, he had to save his little brother. He had to get to him before that green bastard could take away his other half, before he could torment him like he had done to so many others. He had to hurry, he couldn't let this be the last time his younger brother would ever see the light of day again. 'I'll kill that green bastard when I get to him!' Wilbur thought to himself. He knew he had to save him. He had to, he had to, he had-


Wilbur felt an arrow pierce his back as he fell to the ground. He looked back for a few seconds, and saw Sapnap, holding a bow. He whipped his head back around to get a glimpse, before catching Tommy's gaze. His wide-eyed, terrified gaze. He stared into the blue, now cold eyes that belonged to his brother, and as he did, they almost seemed unfamiliar. Wilbur remembered how, before the war, Tommy had been a chaotic ray of sunshine that could brighten anybody's day. He remembered how Tommy had a sharp sense of humor, and could befriend anybody in mere minutes. He remembered how Tommy had been able to act like the child he was, and how the young boy and his best friend, Tubbo, had taken turns playing a game, one pretending to be Technoblade and the other pretending to be an orphan child (It was a strange game, yes, but they had fun, so Wilbur didn't mind). Wilbur had so many memories of Tommy, especially with him being the younger's brother. But out of all these memories, what Wilbur currently could recall the most, was Tommy's bright, blue eyes. The eyes that were like freshly cleaned diamonds, and could express every single emotion the blonde felt, no matter how minor it was. Wilbur remembered how when Tommy cried, his eyes made it seem as if everybody he loved had just died in front of him, and how when Tommy smiled, his eyes lit up like blue stars. Tommy's eyes were how Wilbur could always tell his little brother apart from anybody who looked like the younger, no matter how similar. But when Wilbur looked into the young boy's eyes, he could have sworn they had dulled a little.
     Tommy tore his gaze away from Wilbur, and went back to desperately looking for an escape. Wilbur tried to get up, but to no avail. It felt as though his bones had never even existed. He thoughts spiraled back into thinking about how he could save  Tommy. He kept trying to get up, even though he knew his attempts would be futile, because he just wanted to save his brother. He tried, again and again, only to fall back down over and over, and yelp out in pain when another arrow struck just below the back of his neck. 'I have to get up,' Wilbur thought to himself. 'I have to save him, I have to, they can't have him, they ca-'
   Another arrow pierced Wilbur's body, this time on his lower back. Wilbur could feel himself slipping away slowly. But still, he couldn't stop thinking about how to save Tommy, his brother, until the yell of said boy broke him out of his thoughts once more.
    "WILBUR, I LOVE Y-" and that was the last thing Wilbur Soot heard his brother say to him before his world went dark. He wanted to say, "I love you too, Tommy", but he couldn't. He couldn't speak. He wanted to wrap his arms around his brother's small, skinny frame and tell him that it would be okay, that nothing bad would happen to him ever again. But he couldn't move. He wanted to save his brother, but he went unconscious just as Tommy was about to finish his sentence. So at the end of the day, Wilbur was stuck there, helpless in the dark pit of unconsciousness, and unable to save his younger brother.




Technoblade- YouTube: Technoblade
Twitch: Technoblade

Wilbur- Youtube: Wilbur Soot
Twitch: Wilbur Soot

Tommy- Youtube: Tommyinnit
Twitch: TommyInnit

Tubbo- Youtube: Tubbo
Twitch: Tubbo (or TubboLIVE)

Dream- Youtube: Dream (Or DreamWasTaken) Twitch: Dream (Or DreamWasTaken)

Sapnap: Youtube: Sapnap
Twitch: Sapnap, SapnapAlt

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Chapter two will come out sometime within the next 1-3 months, even though it probably won't be long, because I have to find time and motivation to work on it. Have a good day/afternoon/evening! -Author

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