I promise.

10 0 0

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

Wilbur woke up, looking at the ceiling of a familiar room, with a clock on the wall. He was in his bedroom, he knew he was, he knew it immediately. He felt something on his back, and managed to sit up after a few unsuccessful tries. He realized he was shirtless. 'Wha-? How did I get here...?', he muttered to himself, quietly. He felt his back to see what was there, and knew instantly that it was bandages. Before he could question anything else, a very familiar woman walked into the room.

"Ah, Wilbur! You're awake! How are you feeling?" said the pink haired girl that Wilbur knew all too well.

"Niki...? I'm fine, but what happened? How did I get here?" Wilbur wanted to know the answers as soon as possible. Why was his back bandaged? What happened to the fight? And why did it feel like something - or someone - was missing?

"Wil, you were... shot. By Sapnap, we think.' Niki said. Her face seemed overcome with worry, and she had dark bags under her eyes, but Wilbur had thoughts of his own. 

"Shot? No, I couldn't have been shot, not by the likes of Sapnap, at least. I would never let myself get so distracted! What could I have possibly been doing that would distract me so much I got shot?" He knew how he sounded. He knew he sounded like a jerk, but he didn't care. He knew there was no way that it happened. Or, at least, he thought.

'You... Were running after Tommy..." the pink haired girl said, finally. 

Running after Tommy? Why would he be running after-




It finally clicked, and he knew what was missing. It was Tommy. The memories came flooding back. Tommy getting carried away by Dream. Actually, carried is too gentle a word, Dream practically dragged him across the battlefield, and into the woods. Dream's pale, scarred hands covering Tommy's mouth. Tommy's bright, blue eyes, widened in terror. The sound of Tommy yelling for Wilbur to watch out. The feeling of an arrow piercing his back, and the darkness that covered his vision as he fell into unconsciousness. 

      "Where is he?" Wilbur asked. "Where is Tommy?"

 He wanted to know where his little brother was, and he wanted to know NOW. He still had to check over the younger's body, and make sure there were no serious injuries.                                                He looked over at Niki. The girl had her head down, and her expression was a mix of guilt, sorrow, and fear. It confused Wilbur. Why did she seem so upset?                                                                         Wait... what if Tommy was hurt? What if he DID have some serious injury? Being dragged the way he was, it wouldn't surprise Wilbur too much if he had a sprained wrist or ankle. But even if he did, it would heal in time, so he couldn't understand why Niki looked so upset.                                         "Niki? What's the matter? Is Tommy hurt?" he asked the pink haired girl.                                                 Niki looked up at Wilbur, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. This made Wilbur start to worry.                                                                                                                                                                                              "Wil, I'm sorry... Dream, he... He took Tommy... He's not here..."                            

   Wilbur's eyes widened as he looked her in the eyes. Sure, he knew it was a possibility, he wasn't blatantly stupid- but he didn't think it would actually be true.

"Did nobody go to save him!? How did this happen!?" The man found himself beginning to cry as well. How could he NOT cry? He had just found out that his younger brother had been kidnapped by the enemy. The boy who he had gotten to know since he was a child, from his quick thinking, to his annoying jokes, was gone. Of course he was crying.                                                        "We tried, we really did... But Jack and I were carrying you back after you had fallen unconscious, Eret, Tubbo, and Fundy were busy fighting, and so Quackity was the only one who could go after them... He ran after them into the forest, and he... hasn't come back yet..." Niki told him. She couldn't stand to look into his eyes anymore, so she looked away and cried quietly.

Wilbur couldn't believe it. In one day, during one fight, he had lost both his younger brother and one of his closest friends to the terrible, green wearing demon known as Dream. He was upset, sure, and he was scared... but most of all, he was angry. He was angry at the green man who had taken so much from him, hadn't he taken enough? He'd taken the lives of countless soldiers, as well as the childhood of Tubbo and Tommy. He currently had the discs, and now Tommy- maybe even Quackity, as well- and he STILL wanted Wilbur's country!? He wouldn't let it happen. He COULDN'T let it happen. He swore to himself that he'd find Quackity, save Tommy, and stay alive doing it. He didn't even care that much about L'Manberg anymore, he was only still fighting because his friends did care about L'Manberg, and it was their home. He knew they wouldn't be able to just go and build a house somewhere else like he could, because they were too attached to L'Manberg.                                                                                                                                                                                   "Niki..." He said, his hands clenched into fists. He watched as she lifted her head slightly, letting him know she could hear him.

"We will find Big Q. We will save Tommy. And we WILL win the war." He said, almost as a statement, as if it were certain. Because it was- at least, to Wilbur it was.

"Are... are you sure...?" Niki finally spoke, after 2 to 3 minutes of silence. She lifted her head to look Wilbur in the eyes once more. While her eyes were filled with tears, and held the very embodiment of sorrow, Wilbur's tears had been long gone, and his eyes were burning bright with anger and determination.

"Yes, I'm sure. We will do it." He said.

"I promise."        



I don't own any of the characters mentioned

None of these characters are the real life version, they are only the canon minecraft characters

Characters mentioned in this chapter


Wilbur; Twitch- WilburSoot       Youtube- Wilbur Soot

Niki; Twitch- Nihachu       Youtube- Nihachu

Tommy; Twitch- TommyInnit       Youtube- TommyInnit

Tubbo; Twitch- TubboLive     Youtube- Tubbo

Jack; Twitch- JackManifoldTV     Youtube- JackManifoldTV 

Fundy; Twitch- Fundy      Youtube- Fundy

Eret;   Twitch- TheEret     Youtube- TheEret 

Quackity; Twitch- Quackity      Youtube- Quackity

Dream; Twitch- Dream     Youtube- Dream

Sapnap; Twitch- SapNap      Youtube- SapNap

Please let me know if any of these are incorrect!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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