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before starting...here is some guide:

CD/ Hyunnie-ah: Sanghyun, Thunder, Cheondung... Dara's little tall brother kekekekeke...

that's it... on with the story...


The morning of the Dara Day event, Jae only slept for 3 hours to prepare for the event.

He was at the coffee shop so early in the morning, talking to the security about the event, they already barricaded the place the night before, as there was already a line forming at the side entrance of the coffee shop.

Dara Day is to be held on Dara's birthday, on that day only limited edition Dara Day cups and mugs are to be sold with her autograph on it, and it will run for 30 days from the day of Dara's birthday.

The proceeds of the Dara Day event will go to the charity of Dara's choosing.


"Oh... Hyunnie-ah! Kamsahamnida!" Jae stated patting the back of CD who was smiling 

"Neh... I heard you needed some help! I came to help for Dara Day!" CD uttered as he began boxing the cups and mugs they were to sell for that day.

"Does your noona know you are here?" Jae asked

"Ani hyung! It's a surprise... I haven't greeted her yet since last night kekekeke" CD laughed mischievously

"I bet she is fuming with anger at you for not greeting her" Jae joined in the laugh as another familiar figure entered his office.

"Hyung! Is Dara-noona here already?" 

"Yah! Is that the only reason why you came here?" Jae stated hitting Junsu's arm

"Ani... I was just asking hyung!" Junsu stated rubbing his right arm

"Go make yourself useful over there... help Hyunnie-ah with the other cups and mugs to be placed in these pink boxes!" Jae ordered as he was busy scrolling something on his phone.

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