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MC1: last week we saw Jae’s omma and Dara’s brother Cheondung visit the couple... now... we will see what will happen when Jae invades Dara’s broadcasting schedule

MC2: Cheondung and Jae are gonna meet at the cafe right?

MC4: I should’ve been there with them, those 2 handsome guys protecting Dara-sshi

MC3: I’m so envious!!!


Jae was seen pacing back and forth on the second floor of his coffee shop, and on the table beside him, there were about 10 small boxes neatly piled at the center of table.

“Is he here already?” Jae asked no one in particular, while looking at his cellphone for any unread messages.

Knock Knock Knock!!!

They were meeting at the second floor where Jae and Dara met for the first time to avoid any saesang fans from invading their privacy.

“Hyung! Annyeongaseyo!” CD greeted with a smile as he lightly closed the door behind him.

“AHAHAHAHAH! Hyunnie-ah... it’s good you are here... I need you to look at these... these are the mugs and cups I was planning on making for Dara Day... the ones I was planning to sell starting on Dara’s birthday?” Jae stated as he opened one of the boxes revealing a cute pink see through mug with a rabbit drawing of Dara.

“Waaahhhh, kyeopta! It’s cute hyung! Noona will love these!” CD stated looking at the other boxes and found different colors and three designs of Dara’s drawings.

“Cheongmal?! I was planning on giving these to the 4 of them then I would ask them to personally sign another four for my collection at the shop!” Jae explained as he told him his plan.

After tidying everything up, they ordered for some iced coffee.

“Hyung... have you thought about what mission to give noona?” CD asked while sipping his iced coffee

“You look a lot like your sister... only you are taller AHAHAHAHAHA... you have the same expressions especially when drinking with a straw!” Jae smiled while looking at CD dreamily

“Hyung... stop falling for me... fall for my noona... not me... what about the mission?” CD joked as Jae laughed and then clapped his hands excitedly.

“Ah neh.... AHAHAHAHA I was thinking of an easy one so that she won’t stress over it... I was thinking along the lines of our first meeting... since we first met and became a married couple on the 21st of May, I was thinking of asking her to do the sign of 21... is it too easy?” Jae asked

“Hmmmm... but I think that is doable and for starters that won’t be hard... then... hyung let’s ask her to flip her hair or play with her hair... she rarely does that... it suits their cute concept right now!” CD suggested excitedly and was happy just imagining what his sister would look like doing it.

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