Another school day...

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"Wake up, Marco! Time for school!" Star slaps Marco with his pillow.
"Five more minutes!" Marco groans, kicking Star off his bed.
"We're five minutes LATE!!!" Star says. You could literally see the fumes coming out of her ears.
"Why are you in my room anyway?" Marco says, getting out of bed. Star just shrugs and walks out of the room to who the heck knows where. "Girls..." Marco grumbles under his breath. It was pretty awkward having a girl, especially a girl his age, from another planet, and not a sibling, in the same house. He rolls his eyes and goes along with his morning schedule:

Take a shower

Get dressed

Eat breakfast

Brush his teeth

Go to school.

By the time he got outside to walk to school he was 10 minutes late.
"Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh STAR!!!" He yells into Stars, who is next to him, ear.
"What?!" Star asks, holding her ear.
"Why didn't you wake me earlier?" He asked, panicking. Once again, Star just shrugged. I wonder what is going on in HER mind... Marco thinks.
"If elementary school stops at 5th grade, and middle school starts at 6th grade, what grade are we in?" Star asks. Marco right then, right there, slapped his own face.
"What was that for? Why did you slap yourself?" Star asks.
"Because of that question!" Marco snaps. Star looks hurt for a moment but then just shrugs and runs ahead.

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