The After

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Her eyes sprang open, She was in that deadly room at the river in Velaris. the soul tearing agony she had felt upon ceasing that handle had vanished doused in cool night court air. She looked down at herself, she was wearing her favorite dark teal dress. It hugged her shoulders just right, with a flowing skirt that made reading rather pleasant. No leathers, No weapons. No death whispering her name over and over as she fought to get somewhere important. She looked at the room, death was not here. It was light and open the windows and doors flung open to let in the beautiful spring weather. So why did she feel so heavy? As though she was trying to move around in water. She took a shallow breath making herself bring her eyes to the bed. There was no blood, there wasn't even any signs of a struggle. And on the pristine white fur bedspread.. Nesta's breath caught a strangled noise coming out of her. Her cheeks already wet. It had been a horrible horrible dream.

Feyre sat there cross-legged in the sun wearing a long flowing white gown, the sleeves of it were translucent stars spattering it in its magical pattern. This dress made her shine, her golden brown hair unruffled, her smile so wide and full of sureness as she looked at the small winged baby in her arms. Small yet healthy, even from where she stood she could see he was okay. He was glowing. Glowing just as his mother was. Nesta cried out, a breathy sound, running to them. To her sister, to the baby boy. Feyre looked up startled by Nesta's sudden appearance.

Nesta threw her arms around them both as she clambered onto the bed a bit clumsily, nasty horrid sobs breaking from her over and over again. They were okay, they were okay.  She had saved them. She had saved both of them. "I'm so sorry." She blubbered, ignoring Feyre's protests. As she clung to them. "I'm so sorry, Feyre. I'm so sorry. I did what I could. I didn't want you to die. I should have helped you sooner. I should have helped you a lot sooner. But I did I helped you. And you are here. thank the mother." Nesta sobbed harder as a shadow appeared in the sunny doorway that bathed them both. Rhysand no doubt, Nesta didn't want to let go over her sister. But she had to, She owed Rhysand an apology too. For not being more sensitive about Feyre's situation. Nesta sat back slowly. The baby with his mothers eyes stared at her, he hadn't been upset by her sudden hug. He just touched Feyre neck with that preciously small hand.

Nesta looked to Rhysand, the expression he wore was nothing short of eternal surprise. She would joke to him about that later. that she had managed to surprise him. He was wearing his usual suit, no jacket and his wings were out. He leaned one hand against the doorway, blinking once than twice at her. His brows furrowing deeply over his violet eyes. Before running a hand through his messy black hair. His high lord mask fully falling into place.

"Nesta, what are you doing here?" Hurt shot through Nesta, as she continued to stare at him, this time for an explanation. what did he mean? she was here to apologize. She was here to.. She was here to.. something tickled at the back of her mind that something wasn't quite right. Why wasn't Rhysand being overly protective? He was just lounging there against the doorway. That didn't seem right to her.

"I.. uh. I came to see the baby, to see Feyre?" Even Nesta knew that was wrong, yet the hurt was overwhelming. There wasn't even her anger here. Didn't they want her here? She shook her head. Glancing back to Feyre for help. There were tears running down her sister's cheeks, as she held her baby close to her neck.

"Feyre, why are you crying? Whats wrong? you are okay aren't you?" Nesta demanded, worried she had hurt her sister in her hurry to get to her. She reached for her, Feyre withdrew slightly, it was enough for Nesta to drop her hands to her lap. Rhysand had come to join them by the bed by now. Feyre looked up at her mate, they were talking to one another excluding her. That familiar anger rose up in Nesta. "What's going on? You know it's not nice to talk about someone when they are in the room." She growled. They both seemed to ignore her, lost in their bubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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