Friends Pt2.

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Y/B/F/N- your best friend name

As he promised, he came to Y/N's house before his match at the Friday evening.

"she's up?" Mason asked Y/M/N as she welcomed him to the house

"yeah" Y/M/N said and he went upstairs to Y/N's bedroom

"but come on Y/B/F/N, he is so stubborn, he would never believe me that I had all those guys before just to get over my feelings that I have for him because I thought he doesn't feel the same" Y/N said and Mason stopped himself of opening doors of Y/N's bedroom

He didn't want to listen to her conversation with her best friend but it have to do with him too and he can't just walk away while Y/N is talking about him and her feelings for him.

"you don't want to tell him?" Y/B/F/N asked

"of course I want to tell him now when I know he loves me back but I don't know.... I'm kind of scared" Y/N admitted not aware that Mason was standing behind her listening to everything what she is saying

Y/N was talked to her best friend on the video call on her laptop but she wasn't looking at the screen of her laptop that's why she didn't realize Mason was behind her. Y/B/F/N on the other hand was looking at screen of her laptop and she saw Mason behind Y/N but she didn't say anything.

"well then, when would you tell him?"   Y/B/F/N asked

"he has a match for few hours, so I would probably tell him tomorrow or when we will see each other" Y/N said

"why don't you tell him before the match?" Y/B/F/N said and Y/N exhaled

"he is behind me, right?" Y/N asked her best friend not wanting to turn around or to look at the screen of her laptop

"See you soon bubs, get well soon"           Y/B/F/N said and Y/N's laptop screen went black and she took a deep breath and slowly turned around

"you don't have to stand there" Y/N said as Mason was still standing on the doorstep of her bedroom

"" he scratched the back of his neck not knowing what to say

"everything you heard is true, I was with all those guys before because I thought you don't like me on that way and I wanted to get over my feelings for you" Y/N said as Mason sat on the bed next to her

"why were you then heartbroken?" he asked not understanding

"I was heartbroken because of you not them. I was heartbroken because being with them didn't helped me to get over my feelings. I was heartbroken because I couldn't get you off my head while I was with them and I always imagined that was you and not them but it just broke my heart even more because I knew you don't feel the same about me" Y/N said

"you should just have tell me how you feel" he said and cupped her face

"you should just have tell me too" she said and smiled

He leaned closer to her and connected their lips, the moment they both waited for for a long time now.

"now you're only mine" he whispered onto her lips as she just smiled and kissed him once again

"I love you" she whispered leaning her forehead onto his, eyes closed and hand pressed on his cheek rubbing her thumb over his cheek

"I love you more Y/N" he said closing his eyes after he laid them down not changing their positions

They both lying on their sides, close to each other, forehead against each other's, her hand on his cheek, her thumb rubbing over his cheek, his hand on her hip lightly gribbing on it.

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