Crush on best friend-smut

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For T_Dobson

It was now after match time and Y/N have been standing in front of stadium and West Ham bus talking to Declan while Mason was still in his changing room.

Declan and Y/N met because of Mason and many people were saying they are flirting with each other and yes, it was true but it was all just a joke, they are both in relationship, Y/N is with Mason and Declan with Lauren.

Mason was just exiting Stamford Bridge when he saw Y/N laughing hard as Declan had his arms wrapped around her also laughing.

They seem so close and Mason didn't like it, he did believe his best friend and girlfriend but sometimes it was too much and now he had it enough.

"I see you're totally comfortable" Mason commented and Y/N separated from Declan getting closer to her boyfriend but he just stepped back confusing her

"I have to go, see you soon" Declan said pointing to his bus and hugged Mason quickly and then he left

"what?" Mason asked madly as Y/N was just staring at him for couple of moments

"why you're not letting me hug you?" she asked and he just pointed to his car

The whole way back to Mason's house there were uncomfortable silence between Y/N and Mason, tension could be cut and Y/N didn't know what is happening.

When they arrived home Mason didn't opened car door for Y/N nor front door letting her first in as he always does and it just confused her even more.

"Mason, what is going on?" Y/N asked as she walked into bedroom where Mason was unpacking his bag putting clean things in wardrobe and dirty one in bathroom

"you won, you played amazing but you're still moody, what's wrong?" Y/N asked following her boyfriend with gaze as he was walking from bedroom to wardrobe and then to bathroom

"what's wrong?" he asked and finally looked at her

"you're wrong Y/N" he said throwing towel, that he was about to leave in bathroom, in wall beside Y/N

"I have it enough, I thought that I'm just jealous but all of my friends are seeing it" he shouted as Y/N was standing there, in front of him, not knowing what to do or say

"I believed you, I believed him but what I got in return? You two constantly flirting even that both of you are in relationship with other people. I can't Y/N" he said and then Y/N realised what he is talking about

"if you want to break up with me then tell me so not that you're doing such a things" he said even it broke his heart because he didn't want to lose her

"you know what?" Y/N asked and got closer to him

"I want to-" she pushed him on the bed getting on the top of him

"I want to show you how much I want to break up with you" she whispered on his ear before she took his shirt off

She took her shirt off going to his wardrobe taking one of his jersey out of it and getting back to bedroom.

She knew how weak he is on her in his jersey and what she is going to get if she do what she had in mind.

She took her leggings off staying only in her underwear and his jersey. She got on bed kneeling in front of him and taking his tracksuit bottoms down his legs as he was lying without saying a word. He liked when she was dominate but he didn't give her a chance to be one often.

She sat on his lap and his hands flew to her waist but she took them off pinning them above his head.

"no touching" she whispered on his ear kissing underneath it

She kissed his neck sucking on it and leaving mark as she was lightly grinding against his already growing member.

She went down his body leaving kisses and light hickeys here and there. When she reached his v line she licked over it getting closer to his member.

Her hand lightly ran over his member and she sat on her heels in between his legs looking at him as he was already hard breathing.

When he felt out of touch he opened his eyes and looked at his girlfriend. When her eyes met his she pulled his boxers down his legs not taking her eyes away from his.

She wrapped her hand around his hard cock and he buried his head more into pillow closing his eyes.

She leaned closer swirling her tongue around his tip looking at him through her lashes.

She took him in her mouth pumping the rest with her hand. Light moans were leaving his mouth as she was boobing her head up and down his length.

He wanted to put his hand on the back of her head but he knew she wasn't kidding when she said no touching. If he just touch her he knew he will leave without any touch and he will need to take care of himself without her.

She pulled away from him minutes later taking her already enough wet panties down her legs. She got on the top of him placing him on her enterence and sank down on his causing them both moan.

Her hands were on his shoulders for support as he was fighting against himself not to put his hands on her butt.

She took his hands and put it on her hips and he immediately slide them to her butt helping her to move up and down him.

She leaned down to his lips leaning her forehead against his as he thrust into her.

"I love you so much Mase" she whispered on his lips as light moans were leaving her mouth

"I love you more" he whispered back hitting her g spot couple of times before she reached her high burying her face into his neck moaning loud against his skin what send him over the edge too

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