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Chat: my prince ❤


What's wrong?
Please tell me

Something is bothering me

Tell me what it is?

Who is that girl lisa?

Is she your ex?

Do you still love her?

Will you leave me for her?

Do you even love me?

Will you break up with me?

Where was she all this time?

Did you realize that you love her more than me?

Woah, baby calm down

She's not my ex

Wait, you thought I loved her and ignored you you because of that?

Well, don't you love her?

Because you're with her the whole time...

Baby I do love her

But- wait are you jealous? 😂

What are you laughing at? 😒

Ofc I'll be jealous when my boyfriend is with another girl the whole fucking week

And you just said that you love her...

Yes and I do love her because she my sister


I had told you that I have a twin right?

And it's lisa?


I'm sorry kookie 😔

Don't be sad, my love. It was a misunderstanding.

But I talked so harsh to you yesterday 😕

It's okay.

It was my fault too

I didn't tell you that she's back

And btw I don't have an ex 🙂

You don't?

I don't
Are we okay now?

Ofc we are


Yes princess?

Can I meet lisa? 🥺

Not you too please 😑


Lisa wants to meet you too

What's wrong with me meeting your twin kookie?

There nothing wrong but after she sees how beautiful you're, she'll tease me about it.


Don't laugh 😒
She's not letting me go since she's here.

I'm sure it won't be that bad

Let us meet alright.




Well meet at my house

I'll tell the driver to get you

Thank you babe 🥺
I can't wait to meet her

Okay baby see you later

See you later 😘

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