Chapter 19- Bullets are Shot

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It's been two days since Ryder and I have been held captured and it has not been fun. Both of us have slowly been grasping conscious and I can feel like the feelings to Ryder have intensified being in this situation.

Both Aiden and Ryder's Dad walked in playing around with their new 'toy of the day', they had a 9 mm revolver in their hands.

"Okay guys we are going to have a quick game of Russian Roulette, who's going to play?" He asked pointing the butt of it in Ryder and my face. "I'll take it," Ryder croaked out, I started whipping my head whimpering when I couldn't feel my hair along my face. "No Ryder I'll do it," I said trying to act strong and brave. "Willow, listen and listen good because I'm only going to say this once, I'll take the bullet, this sad, low-life scum is my dad he is pathetic but this is all my fault," he gestured around the room, "So I'll take the bullet," he nodded determinedly staring dead in his fathers eyes. "Naww ain't that sweet, any last words?" He smiled menacingly, "If don't get out of this alive, I just want to say I'm really,really sorry about all the stuff which has happened with the teasing and bulling and I just want to say I lov-," He was cut off by the sound of a noises and screaming. I saw Ryder's dad turn around and a bullet fired but I didn't see the one who got shot and I was thinking, was Ryder really going to say he loved me?.

Logan's POV

It's been three long tough, strenuous days of training for today,the day we are going to get my little sister and her mate back. As we have already found their location, we spent these days training. We have troops from different packs who have been helping us and have the NYPD (New York Police Department) helping us.

We collected our weapons and all the fighters and went into the tinted-window, vans. We started driving, keeping the plan in mind, my leg subconsciously started bobbing up and down, I felt a hand on my arm and quickly turned around to see it was my father.

"Hey calm down we are going to get Willow and Ryder back, Willow is like a daughter to me, I'll make sure we get them back," He said, I nodded but he kept talking, "And I'm really sorry," I knew what he was talking about but played dumb, putting my head to the side a bit, "You have done a great job leading these packs but I'm sorry for forcing you to become Alpha, when you are ready to take up the role of Alpha tell me," I nodded my head in understanding and told him what I thought, "You have nothing to be sorry about Pa, you are getting older and I should've been more considerate that's why after this dies down I'll take up role as Alpha of our pack," my father looked shocked which surprised me but recomposed himself. "Logan, you don't have to do it if you feel I am pressuring you, are you sure you want to?" He asked, "I'm sure, I'm sure you are getting sick of it and you can have some time off," "I'm so proud of you Logan, and thank you for everything you are the best son a father can ever have, now let's get Willow and Ryder and put these mother-fucke*s in jail for life or six-feet underground." I nodded and I'm guessing the other people in the van heard because they started cheering.

When we were a street away from the warehouse we parked and got out of the car. We got our weapons out and the humans we persuade to come were holding all the silvers and aconitum (wolfs-bane plant) as it'd burn at our touch and we didn't bring our specialised gloves.

We all mind-linked and signalled the humans that our plan is in action from now. I was the one in the front so I lead my group out. There were three different groups, one group, which is the biggest who will scour the area in and out of the warehouse to either kill of arrest allies who are working with Aiden and Ryder's father. The second group who is my group who is gong to find Willow and Ryder's room they are being held captive and getting them out and the third are the humans who have been split into both our groups.

I lead them into the warehouse and started hearing guns going off meaning that the first group has already found other wolves. We crept in avoiding the other team but shooting them when necessary. We had looked in a number of thirteen rooms when we heard the familiar voice of Ryder talking.

"And I lov-," Ryder was cut off when Ryder's dad must of heard us because he turned around trying to find us. We burst open the door and shots were fired I saw Aiden crumple down but didn't see Ryder's father. I heard coughing and turned my head to hear a bullet go off.

I felt a searing pain in my back near my spine and I fell to the ground hearing gun shots, cries and silver hand-cuffs being cuffed before blacking out.


Hello Sideburns, how has your holidays been?? Mine have been fun I've had a sleepover and we watched F&F7 and went to a friends birthday as well.

Not much to say. I'm sorry it's short and I ended of (sort of a) cliff hanger, mwhahaha I'm evil. So we have about five-six more chapters to go hopefully, I have to get this book done in the next two months I'll tell u guys later. I'll edit later (I'll edit the whole book when I finish).

Thank you to all my readers, I have now 13.9 k readers, so thank you all I never knew I would get so many readers but thank you it means a lot & don't forget to comment or vote.

Ask me any question you want to, I'll go back to asking questions next chapter.

& who was happy when Ryder almost told Willow his feelings... Me ✋🏼✋🏻✋🏽.

Anyways bye bye,

JH (Just Hazel)


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