Chapter 6

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Warring: This Chapter does contain swearing.

Jay's POV

The last few months have been difficult, I keep thinking about leaving Rhys wedding and the look of Diego's face when I walked away. I have felt a little off the last few days like something felt wrong. I know I have changed over the years and usually I like to play with various people and go to clubs where I can let loose but recently I haven't been able to enjoy myself and go out. I usually like to play with Joe, he is the barman from the club I go to but I have been avoiding him. I even found myself not been able to get it up (if you know what I mean.) I know Diego has been trying to for hold of me but I have been avoiding his calls and telling my secretary to make excuses up that I am busy or out of the office. I know he is currently in town, as I have eyes everywhere and know where he is and what he has been doing. With me knowing where he is I have actually managed to avoid him.

Back to now: I am currently drinking a glass of whisky on my own at my house on a Friday evening trying to chill out when I hear my phone ring. I know it is Rhys as I recognise his ringtone which happens to be wild thing. Before I get to speak he abruptly talks and says "You better stop what the fuck you are doing and get your arse outside NOW."

Before I could reply the line goes dead, I quickly get my shoes on and go outside.
As I get outside there stands a very angry Rhys before I can talk and register what is going on I feel his fist contacting my face with force which literally knocks me of my feet and I land hard on my arse.

After the shock of just being punched I angrily asked Rhys "Why the fuck did you do that?"

With and an angry reply Rhys said:
"I told you about shifters and what happens when they find their mates and how important it is to us. I also told you what happens if we are rejected by our mate. I just found my brother in-law unconscious and his head split open. He rang me and before he could finish talking, I heard a bang before the line went dead. I literally flew to where he is staying and found him so now he is at the hospital fighting for his life because his mate is rejecting him. Diego is one of the most loveable and reliable men I have ever met to see him in that state is just not fair. As I am listening to the doctor everything click and I realise you are his mate. So answer me. Why the hell are you rejecting him? He needs you and to be honest looking at you right now, you need him too. So stop being an arse and get freshened up because you need to be with him. Stop thinking about the past and start planning how you can make it up to him.

As I listen to Rhys I feel sick the thought of Diego being hurt and in pain by me. Without thinking I get up of the floor and rush back into my house to have a shower and quickly get ready. Within 20 minutes I am with Rhys in my car on the way to the hospital which Rhys directs me to as it is for Shifters.

After what feels like a lifetime which in reality is 15 minutes we have arrived at the hospital. As we get to where Diego is I was shocked to see him in the state he was at that point I walked next to his bed and felt my legs go and all I could was breakdown and cry and apologise for ignoring him and not talking to him.
I hope he forgives me as I didn't realise this would happen.
I whispered to him "I am so sorry I have done this to you, I do accept you as my mate. I just was scared to let people in please wake up so I can explain why I reacted the way I did.

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