Chapter Two

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Here's chapter 2!


I was sitting there watching the show Miranda with Harry when I heard a knock on the door then the boys' laughter, Niall's being the most prominent one, fill the room. I guess they just left themselves in now. I groan and look at Harry, silently asking him why we invited them over. 

"Budge up, babe, they'll only be here for as long as we want them to," Harry says, trying to cheer me up. "Plus, if you can withhold your annoyance with them, we can do some stuff later." 

He winked after he said that. He fucking winked because he knows that with that promise he knows I'll listen to what he says. God, I'm so whipped for him. I'm not complaining at all though, I'd rather be whipped for him than any other person *cough* my 'girlfriend' *cough*.

Enough about her, the boys are here and I'm ready to spend some time with them.

"So do you just let yourselves in now?" I exclaimed to them with a jokingly angry tone.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" it was Niall who answered, "Not like you were going to get some tonight anyway. Speaking of, it's been a while since I've asked, sex tape?" 

The boys, including Harry, burst out laughing when I slapped Niall in the back of the head. He asks that almost every time he comes here, he claims he does it to get on my nerves but I know it's because the fans claim him as the 'captain' of the Larry Stylinson ship and asked him for a Larry sex tape. 

After that we settle down Harry offers to make popcorn and watch a movie. Of course, they all agree, Niall the most. Harry then gets off the sofa to go make the popcorn.

"Alright lads, what movie should we watch? And before you say it, Liam, we are NOT watching Toy Story again," Harry says as he walks back in with not only popcorn but other snacks and pops (or soda if you're not from Michigan like I am).

"Harry you suck!" Liam exclaims out of annoyance.

After a long amount of time arguing over what movie to watch, we all finally agree on "Free Guy" One of the newest Ryan Raynolds movies.


When the snacks and things are gone and the movie is done it is around 9:30 so Harry and I kick the boys out for some 'us time'. 

"So, my dear Harold, whatever are we to do now?" I say with the worst possible look on my face that can insinuate my want to do anything. 

" I don't know about you, but I'm tired, so g'night," He says walking away with the biggest half-grin, half-smirk on his face.

I smile and shake my head, following him to our bedroom.


(A/N) Here's chapter 2!

I personally don't know how I feel about this chapter, but the next one I will try to write better and longer.

Have a good day/night depending on when you're reading this!

- Quinn 🥰

I appreciate you guy's for reading!

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