Chapter 1: Exodus Part ll

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"We're lucky to have survived that, Draxas" Archelos said as the brigade swarms the lower front part of the orbital station. "The strong survive, The weak perish" Lord Draxas replied as he and his strike force set objective to escape the crash site, "Lord Draxas, The ship's reactor core is failing- - Explosion is imminent!" Replied by A Cassiusian Dragon named Firestrike on the comm link. "Move Phantomongens! Double time!" As Lord Draxas move and order the others to move faster to the next station level and a notification of the core is about to explode at the crash site is given off via a comm link "The core's about to detonate!" Firestrike warned via the comms. "Go! Move! Move!" Lord Draxas ordered his infrantry group to move faster to the safety A23 level of the station. "It's falling apart! Watch out!" A Phantomonogen soldier said. "Draxas! This way!" Ikaron said as he take point the safe way to the station as they reached the objective before the damaged warship core exploded with force. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" an Unlucky Dark dragon soldier's scream as he met his demise from the explosion. A Security defense is triggered and activated and a hologram materialized. "I am Draxon and I have protected my station for over 49 years!" Draxon said as he introduced himself as Lord Draxas approached. "I am Draxas, Leader of the Phantomonogens! This space station is Phantomonogen property! Surrender immediately!" He replied with condescending tone. "Whoever you are, you've traveled a long way just to meet your doom!" Draxon replied in aggression and the defense turrets immediately engages in close range firming while Lord Draxas and his units pushes through and disables the gun in placements with ease while sensing xenomorphogen reinforcement as the alarm blares. "Hail Lord Draxas" a Xenomorphogen soldier salutes as Lord Draxas and his unit proceeds to their next objective which is to secure the orbital station. "Do not speak unless spoken to." He said in annoyance as he keeps moving forward to the objective at hand. "It's Lord Draxas!" As one of the soldiers exclaimed in his arrival, "The Honor is all yours." Lord Draxas replied. "YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Ikaron shouted as he cleared a way in the C3 corridor off of the Morphogen Dragon Guards and Sentry guns. "take out those sentry guns! They're tearing us apart!" As one of the infantry soldiers took point and one the other infantry unit soldier covered fire "I hate those sentry guns inplacements!" He said as keeps firing while Lord Draxas approaches and activates the bulkhead doors and being assaulted by Draxon's troops, "There they are! Move ahead and cut them off in storage Area beta! Move! Move!"As the captain ordered his troops to hold off Draxas' infantry unit., "Oh look. The Welcome Wagon" Ikaron said as he noticed the Repel unit of the station advancing and immediately opens fire while Draxas and his unit counters them evenly with guns blazing as the repel unit decreases some of the repel unit screams as being terminated. "Let's go." Ikaron pointed on while other repel units of the station is decreasing in resistance and outnumbered. "Those fools mean to catch us in an ambush at the next door! Fat chance. We can use that crane to reach the crash tunnel and flank them." Draxas said as he activate the crane control lever to pave a short way to reach the crush tunnel and devise a plan of flanking the remaining repelling station units while Draxas stand the ground to hold down the second wave of enemy troops. "Draxas - - Eron here. Establishing a forward base." Eron said as he established communication contact with the infantry group lead by Draxas, "Transmit your coordinates, Eron - - and I want everything ready upon my arrival." Lord Draxas replied as he makes his way through the upper levels. "Draxon! The Ambush is set. They won't make it past us." As One of Draxon's soldier said, "I shall hold you to that, soldier" Draxon replied, "Yes sir!" As one of his soldiers replied as his troops are holding their position to apprehend and repel Draxas' forces. "Hmmm...this is almost too easy" Archelon commented as they make their move past the guarding unit of Draxon shooting them down as another notification from Eron is blare up "Alert, hostiles inbound" via the comm link as the another wave of repellers moves in, "There they are!" Ikaron said upon noticing them advance and opens fire, "Crush them!" Lord Draxas replied and blasted the enemy troops to make their way to meet with Eron at the forward base. "Draxas, we await your arrival." Eron replied as he detects their presence. "Draxas! I thought you'd be scrap scales and dead meat by now. Your survival...intrigues me." Draxon commented as Lord Draxas and his unit survives the wave of assault placed in the station's higher levels, "I shall not be denied, Draxon. Surrender your Dark Erideum program to me immediately!!" Draxas replied with aggression "Dark Erideum...? Are you MAD? Dark Erideum brings only death and chaos!" Draxon replied in defining manner "I am COUNTING on it." Lord Draxas replied in return as he makes his way to the control module, "Draxas - - when this is over. Can I rip off Draxon's head and boot it into space? Please?" Ikaron suggests, "Patience, Ikaron. Draxon knows this station inside and out. He may yet be of use to us" Draxas replied as they fight their way through the repelling units of the uppermost levels of the Station. "Draxas, your command post is 83.4% complete." Eron notified "I expect it done when I arrive, Eron!" Draxas replied as he and his unit destroyed the remaining defenses in the upper levels near the command module. "Wow...that's a pretty long drop." Archelon commented "jump you fool! There is nowhere to go but down!" Draxas replied in annoyance as they keep on moving. " do we get out?" Noctorn said as Draxas mounted and enables the gun turrents "from here I can bring down the absurpsers!" Draxas replied, "The intruders are here! Call in reinforcements!" A Xenomorphogen soldier said as they advance in for a brute gun fight while Draxas and his unit hold them in and exterminates them. "Phantomonogens, mount those turrets! We'll cut them down with their own weaponry!" Draxas ordered as they fight their way through the second wave of enemy troop reinforcements "Those fools gave us our exit! Onward! Through that door!" Draxas commented after wiping out 2 wave infantry of repellers and advances right through the auxiliary bulk head doors and deals with the next assaults of repel units near the module center. "Area is secured, Draxas" Firestrike notified "Excellent." Draxas replied as he advances in towards the module center. "Hail Lord Draxas!" As one of the neomorphogens said as Draxas appear and praises him in his arrival "Draxas - - I have unlocked the lift controls. Your command module awaits at the top." Eron notified as Draxas activates the lift control patch and arrives at the command center. "My name is Firestrike - I'm not here to fight." Firestrike introduced "That makes ONE of us, speak your terms - - quickly." Draxas replied "I've seen the horrors of what dark Erideum can do, Draxas - - it is not be trifled with! It's power is too use it would mean disaster!" Firestrike replied in neutral defense "you cannot frighten me, Firestrike. I will use Dark Erideum as I please." Draxas replied in feedback, "Then you are a short sighted fool! You'll kill us all! Firestrike flew off to battle with his aerial unit, "You say that as if it were a bad thing." Draxas replied, "I hope this Dark Erideum stuff is worth it, Draxas." Nocturne replied as Draxas arrived in the module center, "Eron, report!" Draxas said "We have taken control of this portion of the station and established your base of operations. Scans indicate that Draxon has locked down all logical routes to the Dark Erideum reactor." Eron replied as he reports the situation, "Huh - - and we're fresh out of star cruisers to Tunnel our way." Archelon said in response "Quiet. There must be another access point...we have to reach the station's next pod!" Draxas pointed out "Draxas - - I have located a nearby data matrix center to reveal any alternate means of entry to the next pod. Advanced teams have already been sent to clear your path." Eron pointed out the next objective to secure the station schematics "Then we have no time to waste." Draxas pointed out as he move in to next agenda.
"Ugggh - - I think I'm going sick!" Nocturne complaints about "These soldiers looks pretty banged up." Archelon referring to the infantry unit "Unnacceptable. They should be victorious or dead." Draxas said in straight set "They're putting up a good fight, alright." Noxon said "Then put up a BETTER fight!" Draxas said in aggressive tone as he make his way up the auxiliary corridor lift. "Draxas - - be aware that you face overwhelming odds against Draxon's soldiers. It is statistically unlikely that your advance teams can defeat all of them. I shall await your word that you have reached the data matrix center" Eron advices and suggests to Draxas as they make their way to the Data Matrix Center through the next Cargo holder depot. "These Cubes seems terribly outdated." Archelon said "This entire station was created over 38 years ago. much of its technology is antiquated - - and inefficient. I look forward to updating it." Draxas commented in the station's re engineering as he advances in towards the depot "Eron! We've located the holomap - -I'm sending the data to you now." Draxas said after he recovered the holographic map, Draxon's hologram appears and warns "Draxas! You may have gotten this far...but you'll never get your claws on the Dark Erideum!" Draxon warns and yells about "Draxon...this acrimony is needless. I know who you once were, Sky Commander, and that you were betrayed. With Dark Erideum, I shall return Cassius 9 to its former glory - - and you to yours - - if you agree to serve me." Draxas' attempt agreement to Draxon "you're a fool! No one can control Dark Erideum!" Draxon pointed out to Draxas about its potential destructive capabilities.

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