Salvaged Rage

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It was believed that every Afton member had died or went missing. People thought "Oh, thank god, they're gone. William Afton was quite like the Devil himself - and his family would've become like him". Truth is, nobody knew if they were to turn out like William anyways. However, everyone's hopes that the Afton family was no more were deeply disappointed. Certain members seemed to be alive.

These members ended up being Michael and Elliot Afton. Older sister and younger brother. None of us know how they both managed to reunite with each other but one thing was for certain that they both did not have the same goal in life. Michael wanted to end William's legacy whereas Elliot did not want to risk everything in finding her own dead father, who was rotting away in a suit (thank god), and end everything there and then. She said - and we quote - "It sounds stupid and it's a complete death wish."

"Death wishes are my thing, Ell." Michael had replied, lighting up a cigarette and placing it into his mouth. She wondered how a corpse was able to inhale the smoke from a cigarette out of everything. "What's there to live for?"

"You have an actual family for starters." She held fingers up. "A husband," she hit one finger, "a son," she hit another, "and a daughter." She hit another. "God, Michael, I don't know what there is to live for!" Elliot hissed.

"My son literally tried burning me alive alongside himself and our dad, first of all." Michael raised a hand up. "And my husband and daughter died to springlock suits." He leaned back into the couch.

They were both in the old family house that Elliot seemed to have been camping at all this time. She took great care into cleaning this place out with all the dust that had seemed to be collecting after Michael and the rest of the family abandoned it. Elliot had always been like this when she was a kid. Always wanting things to be clean and spotless the way it was. She had even taken care to clean out every room and convert their parents room into some sort of... office. It didn't seem like an office, though. Just monitors for her to keep track of things in the house. She cared about security too.

Elliot leaned against the doorframe into the living room. "Well, I think your son was trying to end our father's legacy too. Must've learnt that from you, in all honesty." She laughed a little. Michael gave her a death stare, which made her clear her throat and look away. "Okay, how was the normal life for you? Did you enjoy not having to be dragged into Father's plan?"

"Mm, yeah, honestly. It was a break. I loved them." Michael smiled at the memories he had of the family. "Of course, I had to be dragged back into this mess when I had a good life. I can't escape what Father has placed out for us." That smile had disappeared.

He looked over at his older sister, who still looked to be in her twenties. She was around 40 years old now but managed to keep her appearance as a young woman. She still had that short, brunette hair, the same green eyes and the same round glasses. The only thing that was different was her fashion sense. She used to wear sweaters and all back in '83 but now she looks as though she is a professional businesswoman. The suit and all. Him, on the other hand, was a rotting corpse that somehow still kept hair. He was wearing the usual. A suit, just like Elliot. This time it just had a different colour palette to hers. Siblings, right?

Elliot checked her watch. 8:30am. She sighed. "I still think your plan is stupid."

"Of course you do."

"I don't care if death wishes are your thing now, Michael. You're going to end the legacy of the entire family, sure, great. Thank god but what about us? What's going to happen to you? What's going to happen to me? We don't have any family to go back to now." There was worry in her voice like normal.

The young Afton looked down at his bandaged hands and turned them into fists. He looked back at his sister who still had a worried look on her face. "If the legacy of the entire family is going to end, what does that mean to you, Ell?"

She went quiet for a moment, questioning what he meant before something had clicked into her head. Her facial expression turned into a horrified one. "No, Michael. No. You can't do that. That's the most stupidest fucking thing."

"You said it yourself, sis. We don't have any family to go back to now. We can't turn back from what we have started. What our father has started. We must end it. Once and for all."

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