Simon Pt 1

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My heart was racing.  When my friend, Suzie, told me that she had gotten tickets to the new Alvin and the Chipmunks concert, I couldn't believe it.  And when she invited me, that was even crazier.  I stood outside the huge concert hall and tried to stop my heart from exploding out of my chest.  I had had a crush on the chipmunks since I heard about them.  I never thought I would see them in real life.  

Suzie walked up to me.

"Come on, y/n, lets get inside before the concert starts."

I breathed a deep breath in trying to calm my nerves, and let Suzie lead me inside.  

Our seats where close to the front, and the crowd was roaring.  I had gotten really dressed up for this occasion, I knew that none of the band would probably see me, but just in case I wanted to look my best.

I wore a black shirt and white pants with a stylish jacket and my favorite white shoes.

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We got to our seats and sat down, my heart was doing somersaults in my stamoch and my bladder was full of pee.  I wiggled around to stop the pee from coming out.  I fiddled with my hands and stared down at my lap, the more I thought about it the more I worried that I would pee my pants in front of the guys.  

Basically everyone I knew was super into the chipmunks, including me.  A lot of them had a crush on Alvin, a few on Theodore, but me, I was mostly into Simon.  He was the clear winner in all arenas.  He was the smartest, the best singer, and definitely the hottest. 

My focus was broken when Suzie shook my arm excitedly, just a little pee came out.

"Y/n, Y/n!"



Suzie pointed up at the stage and as I looked up I saw them.  Alvin... AND THE CHIPMUNKS.

My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open as Alvin started to talk.


The crowd went wild and Alvin laughed, then him and the guys launched into a cover of Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.  My eyes were locked on Simon.  All of a sudden, we made eye contact, only for a second, but my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.   I listened for a second longer, and then his eyes locked with mine again.  This time he lingered longer, then broke away.  Throughout the span of the show, he would turn back to me again and again.   By the end of the show I could barely look at the stage I was so nervous.

The band walked off stage and the crowd was so loud I could barely hear what Suzie said to me.


"I said-"

Suzie's voice got lost in the crowd again.




She handed me a lanyard and put one around her own neck.  I looked down to see what she had placed in my hand.  I gasped.

A backstage pass?!

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