Island in the mist

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So just to let you guyz know my policy for updating stories is if I get one comment/message asking for a update I'll do it. Also I really apoligize for all the obvious spelling errors in this, to bad wattpad doesn't have spell check. Also I don't reccomend this for readers who are not comfortable with curse words.

     I woke, my head clouded and jumbled from the dream that had just up-rooted me. It was strange because the dream was somehow different this time, usually it was all the same, fimiliar i a haunting way. The huge rocky cliffs of what I assumed was Washington state. The thrashing white, foamy see water that crashed and leaped to reach my view of the horizon, but this time it wasn't in Washington, it was in my hometown, where lived. Was the universe trying to tell me something? Hah, I don't bieleve in that earthy meditating universe crap-I just don't know where my head is this morning. My teachers would say in the clouds, but the more accurate awnser would probablly be in a book.

     I sat up in my bed and turned to face my pale purple bedroom wall that held my door and my white bookshelf. I set my feet upon the cold wood floor and let out a silent shiver as the wood chilled my naked  feet. Good thing it was Saturday. The dream was unsettling enough but now it had, changed? I'd been having the same dream of the Island clouded in mist for three months, I'm not an expert on this dream stuff but I'm pretty sure each one mean something. Right? 

     Alright now I'm starting to irritate myself, and if that doesn't signal I need to stop thinking about all this wierd stuff then I don't know what does.

     I crossed noislisly across my atic room and ducked under the beams that held my little suburbin house together and when I reached my dresser I popped my ipod into the stario and scrolled through all my songs until I found the one that I felt described me at the moment. It was misery by Maroon 5. Ya I know, I'm ssooo positive. Well it's not like I give a fuck what anyone thinks of me anyway...It's just, no one really cares about me and I really can take care of myelf so when people attempt to judge me it just makes me want to sock them in their big ugly retarded heads. 

     For once I was acctualy glad my dad was never their in the morning because it ment that I could blast my music pretty much as loud as I want. It irritates me sometimes that some people are so insecure of themselves they're worried people will judge them even when their in their own homes, hah me, well I'm another story, but we won't get into that horror movie right now. As it got to the chorus I belted it out, something I could never do in public.

     I am in misery

   There ain't nobody who can comfort me

    Why won't you answer me?

    The silence is slowly killing me

     As the song ended and I quieted my stomache gurgled. Ugghh I need breakfast. I raced down the heavely carpeted hallway and lurched around the corner at the end of the hall. I pounded down the stairs and jumped the last two, maybe it was three. If my dad was here right now there was no doubt in my mind he'd be going balistic. Blasting anything but classical music? Running down the hallway? Skipping a few steps at the bottom of the stairs? He could be such a drag sometimes, but I do love him after all.

     Now time for the breakfast of champions: Lucky charms and coffee so filled with cream and sugar it shouldn't even be considered coffee anymore. It was my weekend usual. I flung open the white cabinent that enclosed our silver china bowls dad only used on special occasions. Like when his slutty ass girlfriend came over to "visit". Hah, it was so wonderful to be able to think such horrible things about reched people sometimes. I laughed as I grabbed the thin white china bowl for my cerial out of the cabinent. As I turned to set the bowl down on the island in the middle of the kitchen-the doorbell rang. It was a loud and jarring sound that frankly scared the crap out of me. Infact "scared the crap out of me" might have been an understatement, I dropped the china bowl and it shattered against the linoleum floor. My heart spead up as I saw the tiny lace of silky blood tracing the broken pieces. "Damn it," I cursed silently. Crap I thought, someone was still at the door. I had a quick thought that maybe I should clean up the china but then I thought I'll never clean it all up before whoever it was left our porch.

    I hopped over to the door in the kitchen that led to the street outside. Who would come to our house at this hour on Saturday morning? I glaced down silently at my watch. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. I freaking forgot I had a study-sesh with my lab partner today. Shit. Here I was, my foot covered in blood, wearing my silky pajama shorts and a baby blue camio meeting one of the hottest guys at my school. Indide, you're a fucking idiot. I silently cursed myself. Well I had no choice now, I desperately needed help with the stages of mitosis and the structure of DNA section we were working on, I had to let him in.

     "Ummm, uhhh, Hi?" I said awkardly as I opened the door for Peyson.

     "Oh uh hey Indie, you look great," He laughed to himself. I cringed.

     "Sorry, I just dropped a bowl in the kitchen and I Kinda stepped on it so I didn't have time to change."

     "Are you okay?" Wow. He sounded genuinly concerend.

Island in the mistWhere stories live. Discover now