~All bets are off!!~

26 1 0

The casino lights flickered from outside, the lights bathing the ground with beautiful red and yellow glow. Jupiter stood outside, clutching his wallet tightly in his hand.

He wore a black tank top with a card on it. Over it there was a red flannel and blue ripped jeans. He wiped his face, soda fizz spilling out his head, looking like hair. Jupiter took in a heavy breath, letting out a sigh as they marched in.

The casino was noisy as all hell, screams of victory and loss running throughout the halls. The walls were lined up with slot machines, someone at each one, excitedly waiting for the result. Skeletons and demons roaming around, dressed in suits and dresses. Despite the plethora of games, Jupiter had his eyes set on the craps table.

The table was surrounded by the regulars, Skelton's, a person with an apple for a head, a gentleman with a cigar for a head, aswell as the casinos manager. King dice, Jupiter always fancied the manager, usually making small talk about Jupiters winnings. But never knew the guy awful well.

Jupiter approached the group, pulling out their wallet and slamming 500$ on the table. "I bet on 7" he announced, grabbing the dice, shaking it in their hands and rolling. Per usual the dice landing on seven. Dice handed him his winnings and Jupiter went for another roll. This time on 4, it landed, getting their winnings. This went on for a good hour, by the time they were done they had earned a couple thousand bucks.

Jupiter turned to leave, startled to see the owner standing Infront of them. The devil. "Well well well, if it isn't Jupiter, making my casino broke" he laughed. Looking down on the cup headed lad. "How about we make this a bit more interesting, hm?" He suggested, handing Jupiter a pair of dice with skulls and flames engraved into them.

"What's your bet?" Jupiter asked, unsure of what tricks the devil would pull. "How about all the riches in my casino if you win, but if not, your very soul." He smirked. "High stakes, I like it." Jupiter laughed cocky like. Grabbing the dice out of the devil's hand and starting to shake their fists. "Seven seven seven!" They muttered making the roll.

The dice twisted and turned, Jupiter watching nervously, leaning on the table. They landed, his heart sank. "SNAKE EYES!!" boomed the devil, laughing, Jupiters hands began to tremble as he fell to his knees. "Pl-Please sir I'll pay you any other way please!!" They begged, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "Well boss we are low on staff, we could use another waiter" King dice interrupted, "He can sleep in my quarters until we can fit him a room upstairs."

The devil sat in thought for a moment. He nodded "very well, you will work for us until we see fit. You'll be a waiter down here, and every worker in our casino sleeps upstairs. Until we can fit you a room you shall sleep in Diceys room, plenty of room in there." Jupiter nodded excitedly, this place was better then the dump apartment he lived in before.

"You start tomorrow" declared the devil assertingly. He took his finger, drawing out a circle in the air, the circle grew to 6ft in diameter. A portal opened, beyond it were flames and screams of agony. The devil chuckled and hopped through, the portal closing behind him.

Jupiter stood there infront of the craps table, his food felt as if it were anchored down the wood. His hands trembled, their breathes heavy and hot. They finally turned toward the table, looking at king dice with questioning eyes.

Dice looked at Jupiter, nodding as he turned around swiftly, the tail of his suit waving behind him from the sudden motion. Dice started to walk towards the back of the casino, Jupiter in close pursuit. Dice got to an empty slot machine near the left corner of the room. He tugged the crank with a bit of force, the wall beside it opening up to a stair well that seemed to go on forever.

The two debtors started down the stairwell, King dice going at a quick pace, Jupiter trying their best to follow behind. They finally got to the bottom, an endless hallway Infront of them. There were doors lined up on each side of the hallway. King dice slowed to a walk, trying to let Jupiter keep up. Jupiter ran up beside Dice, side by side. He looked up at the illusive manager of THE devil's casino.

"What cha staring at kid?" Dice grumbled in a slow rough voice. "I'm not a kid, I'm actually 24." Jupiter retorted, crossing their arms. "Well I'll be damned, We're only 2 years apart, I'm 26" Bellowed dice.

They arrived at a grand door, gold patterns circling the door frame. The door itself a royal purple. Dice grabbed a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Leading Jupiter inside. Closing and locking the door behind them.

The Kings Waiter {Male Cuphead oc x King dice}Where stories live. Discover now