Fire breathing vultures ruin our perfectly good field trip.

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My name is Atilla starlight. I know great name, but my mom picked it right before she died because she wanted me to have the heart and soul of a warrior. Sit back and relax as i tell you the story of my life. More specifically how my life changed so drastically.
This all started when i was in seventh grade. We were on a field trip to the metropolitan museum of art in New York city. Our history teacher Mr. Young had brought us here to learn all about ancient Egypt. Unlike most of the subjects we covered in school I actually liked Ancient History. I loved the stories of heroic adventurers, brave kings, queens, warriors and leaders. I loved the stories of greek Demigods and Egyptian Pharaoh's. Right now Mr. Young was hovering around a limestone statue of the goddess Isis holding her son Horus as he told the story of Isis and her husband Osiris. "Isis was heartbroken when her brother Set slaughtered Osiris and chopped him into fourteen pieces...," the girls in the class were awing over the love story while the boys groaned in annoyance. "Can anyone tell me why Set murdered Osiris?" No one raised their hand or looked eager to answer the questions. I saw a few people in the back of the class yawned with boredom. "Atilla?" He asked aloud. I gasped as i returned to the real world "what did you say Mr?" I asked Mr. young. A few older kids chuckled behind me "what a dump," i heard one of the popular girls tease. "Can you tell me why set murdered his brother Osiris?" I cleared my throat and stepped forward. "Set was jealous of his brother Osiris and he wanted to be the king of the gods so he killed him and took over Egypt," "very good Atilla," Mr. Young said with a smile. Mr. young was a very short man only around three feet tall and he walked with crutches as if his legs were deformed or broken. He got made fun of a lot by all the students he taught. He often got refered to as a midget but he didn't mind, he adored me because of all the effort i put into his class, he knew all about my Adhd and Dyslexia and he made special read aloud lessons so i didn't have to read. We finished our walk through the museum and headed out to the common area for lunch.
I opened my lunch box to find my favorite food: spaghetti with hotdogs. I started to shovel it into my mouth with a plastic fork until i heard a voice behind me "hey starlight," i groaned as i turned around. Amber blake stood behind me a condescending look on her face. "You owe me," she hissed, she slammed her purse down on the floor and pulled out her wallet. I did the same leaving my spaghetti on the steps next to me we each dumped out our wallets onto the ground and began counting. "I have 250.75 what do you have she crooned. "I've got 100.50 what do you offer?" I teased. "I bet you $200.00 that won't punch Mrs. rhodes in the face. "Oh it is on!" I stood up from my spot on the steps and swaggered over to the librarian mrs. Rhodes. "Excuse me mrs.?" I asked innocently "yes ma'am," she asked. As soon as i saw her face i balled my hand into a fist and socked her right in the nose. I crowd of students and teachers came up to us they were all shocked to see what i had done. Mrs. Rhodes grabbed me by the neck and began to drag me back into the museum.
Yes ladies and gentlemen. I'm thirteen years old and i have a gambling and fighting problem. If you bet with me i will do anything if theirs money, snacks or anything else on the line.
Mrs. Rhodes let go of my collar and turned around to face me. "Yes ma'am?" I asked her. "Atilla Starlight, this behavior of yours has to stop," i nodded in agreement "the gambling, the fighting, the anger problems you're just like your father," my eyes widened "my father?" I asked. I had never met my birth father. I had been raised by my aunt Stella, my mother died when i was a baby and my father left before i was born. I turned around and saw the librarian standing on top of the museum rafters. "How did you get up their?!" I demanded. Suddenly the librarian began to writhe and twist her body into strange poses her bones cracked and her flesh began to crack open. I watched as she turned into a giant vulture.  She opened her beak and let out a breath of fire that scorched the ceiling. I screamed in terror as the vulture monster lashed at me "Give it too me!" She shouted, i started to run away but she grabbed me by the shoulders in her claws. "Give me the lords eyes!" I screamed once again.
Suddenly Mr. Young came running into the room hobbling on his cane. He looked up at the monster "Release her immediately!" Mr. Young shouted at the winged monster. "Release you or i swear i'll tear you to pieces!" Suddenly the bird woman let go of me and i fell to the floor. The Vulture monster cawed loudly and  flew out the window breaking the glass.
I stood up as i finally cleared my head "did that seriously just happen?!" I demanded. Mr. Young shook his head in disbelief "nehkbet concealed in our school i should have known," i was so frazzled i almost threw up. "What happened what's going on!" I demanded. Mr. Young hobbled over to me "are you alright dear?" He asked in distress. "What happened? Who was that? Am i going crazy?" I shouted my thoughts were swimming around in my head. "Easy child," Mr. young explained wrapping his arm around my side and began patting my side. " everything is going to be fine kiddo, at least i hope so..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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Atilla Starlight and the nejeru: The eye of Horus Where stories live. Discover now