(🍋) all the mirrors lie (19)

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Written for Manyari @alucardownsmyass

•Manyari stands in front of the full length body mirror. She had been told it was quite old. It didn't matter antique or brand new, she feels mirrors always tell the truth. And the truth she is currently believing is her body is ugly. Even her hair is seeming to betray her, she thinks.

•Alucard or Alu as Manyari called him, comes into their shared living quarters. It looks like a hurricane went through his Manyari's clothing closet. His molten red eyes now take in his precious girl, sighing loudly and holding up dresses. Then her hands, in unison, fling the outfits to land in a heap.

•Alu knows she is listening to the old mirror and not his words on her beauty. He knows it's time to change that attitude, in the only but best way: touching your body. All your curves and sensitive sweet spots.

•With his shadows, Alucard silently glides up behind his true love and significant other. His white gloved hands. One slips around her hip and the other dips down. The Unholy King finds her nipple already pebbling from her anticipation of his strong fingers going to play with her nipples. He tilts his head to get a better angle to give a love nip.

•Manyari lets a gasp out from his touch. Then she sees her reflection in the mirror once more.

"Alu, how can you find me attractive?" she huffs. "For a vampire, you need glasses I think..."

Alucard's answer is a low threatening growl, "My eyesight is exceptional and they show me that the mirror is lying to you..." his right hand index finger bends, under Manyari. "Bucuriei mele (my joy) you know I would never lie to you. Your modern media is a liar as much as that wretched mirror, if not worse."

•His fingers guide Manyari to spin slowly around to face the tall raven haired man. His hellfire eyes show concern. Her pet name, my joy, is his most important and treasured part in his life. Vampire King isn't going to let his Bucuriei mele feel less than a Queen.

"I shall show you what I see every moment of every night..." his whisper of a certainly that was about to happen.

•His pale limber body takes a close turn around Manyari then he spins his Bucuriei mele, to face the mirror once more. "Bucuria și dragostea mea, I will stop telling you and just show you..."

•Shadow King actually strips his clothes for Manyari. His caveat drops to the floor as his whilte shirt is now unbuttoned that emphasizes his pale muscular chest. His black dress pants are undone to show his dark fine hair heading to his lower section. His erection bumping his abdomen and his dick weeping precum already.

•The Vampire now stands behind Manyari. His left hand proficient unfastens her bra, with only one hand while his mischievous right hand slides down the front of her to dip two fingers into her slick forming. She shifts on her feet from her body's sensitivity.

•Alucard tips Manyari's body forward, just enough she can feel his weeping slit rubbing against her, over her soaked panties. He flashes his fangs to signal she should be paying attention.

"Would I have this painful erection if you were not beautiful?" he growls softly. "Would I be so aroused if you were not beautiful?"

Manyari, tries not to whine out,"But I have this..." she pats her worse area according to her.

"I am aroused by your shape and weight. I am aroused by you and your body," his teeth nipped. "I love what it looks like for you."

•Manyari sighs as a smile slowly glides across her lips. Alu alway knew how to make her feel better. He couldn't imagine her looking any other way. Suddenly her attention is focused back on The Vampire King shuffles her body so he is in position. With a small pull, Manyari's underwear is now a terrible belt.

•Alu takes a deep intake of breath then sheaths himself in her sopping wet pussy. He glides slowly in, the fraction just perfect. Just that slight drag and then fully stuffed feeling with Manyari squeezing around his throbbing cock. Alu now let his signature sigh of contentment.

"I belong to you," he whispers a rumbling low growl. The kind that curls your toes and causes her back to arch.

Alucard growls out a command to her, his true love. "Watch yourself in the mirror as I fuck you senseless."

•Manyari lets an erotic squeak out due to suprise. Alu was bound and determined to make his point stick forever in her mind. His lean vampiric body folds forward and his knees bend to continue his ascent to 'divinity.'

•His left hand was cool and bare of his white gloves. His large hand cradles Manyari's throat as his long index finger slips past plump lips and into her warm cavern of mouth. "Suck draga mea as you would elsewhere."

•Manyari's tongue licks a long stripe to the end of his finger. Her lush lips wrap around her true love's digit. Alucard notes that his Bucuria și dragostea mea, is too focused on his finger. He changes the subject of his body to his pale, stretching cock. He thrusts hard and ends up just 'kissing her' cervix. The Shadow King pauses to rub his cock on it.

"Alu!" Manyari moans loudly in his ear.

"Keep up singing my name Bucuria și dragostea mea..." Alucard begins his low gutteral rumble.

•Manyari's eyes focus on the dimly lit mirror. His hips doing quick snaps against her wet skin. The light slapping sound of flesh on flesh. It is then Kazili bey rubs his cheek on hers then lets out his deep, low rumbling growl that vibrates against her back for she hears.

•His molten eyes change color to reds, orange and yellow like fall leaves. A large smile glides across his lip as he watches his significant other in the throes of an intense orgasm. Her eyes rolling up into the back of her head and the throaty moan.

He waits to continue until his Bucuria și dragostea mea, can see just how much he unraveled her.

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