_________________Jungkook absolutely hated what jieun wore in front of him but he shrugged thinking that he can't judge someone's dressing style, he frowned looking around his mansion because he found no one there except him and jieun.
"Tae bab-
"Taehyung is not here, he went to shopping with mo- I mean his mother in law" Jieun smiled sitting beside Jungkook on the couch.
"Really ? I didn't-
"Yes, even I thought that they don't get along well that's why Mrs Jeon decided to change herself so she want to open up with taehyung and be like a perfect mother in law" Jieun said making Jungkook sigh in relief.
"Is that so ? then let me call tae baby" Jungkook smiled taking his phone out of his pocket but jieun stopped him by snatching his mobile from him.
"Taehyung told me to inform you not to call him because he didn't want his shopping with his mother in law to get spoiled by someone" Jieun said putting the phone on silent secretly.
"Oh okay then good night" Jungkook gave jieun a small tight lipped smile getting up from the couch.
"Wait Jungkook, taehyung told me to give this almond milk to you, he made it before going to the shopping" Jieun said un covering the lid of the almond milk bottle.
"Phew, I needed this" Jungkook said drinking the almond milk in a go making jieun smirk, Jungkook finished the almond milk keeping the empty bottle on the table, he stood from the couch stretching his hands up but suddenly he felt like his was about to faint so he ended up falling on the couch back with a grunt.
"Jungkook are you okay ?" Jieun asked with a fake concern and Jungkook nodded his head closing his eyes, suddenly Jungkook started feeling hot, he felt as if his entire body is on fire.
"Ugh!" Jungkook groaned loudly removing his neck tie, jieun smirked shifting closer to Jungkook resting her palms on his sweaty face, she smiled straddling on Jungkook's lap closing their distance, Jungkook could feel jieun's breath against his lips.
"Tae baby come to daddy"
Tzuyu hummed holding a box of cake in her hands heading towards her room but she stopped when she heard her mother talking to someone on her phone so she leaned her ear against her mother's room door hearing the conversation.
"Don't worry I will not let taehyung to come to the mansion for the next two hours"
"He is talking to my good for nothing daughter in her room at least my daughter became useful for us just for once" dahyun laughed talking on the phone and tzuyu quickly ran towards her room, she opened the room's door with a loud thud scaring taehyung as well
"Ahh tzuyu you scared me" taehyung laughed shaking his head.
"Its not the time to joke tae look Mrs jeon and my mom is planning something against you" tzuyu said sitting beside on the bed.
"What are you saying tzuyu ?" Taehyung asked
"Yes I overhead my mother's and Mrs Jeon's conversation, I think something is definitely wrong in Jeon's mansion that's why Mrs Jeon sent you here to keep you away from your mansion, I suggest you to go there as soon as possible" tzuyu said and taehyung nodded his head getting up from the bed, he was about to go out from the main door but tzuyu stopped him, she stood infront of her room's window with taehyung, taehyung saw a wooden stairs there
"I used to sneak out from here" tzuyu winked and taehyung gave tzuyu a small smile climbing down from the stairs.
"Don't forget to call Jungkook while heading to the jeon's mansion" tzuyu whisper yelled looking down from her window, taehyung nodded his head booking the cab meantime saying a small 'bye'
Taehyung booked the cab because he didn't want Mrs jeon to know that he is coming back to the jeon's mansion otherwise she will definitely try something to stop him from going there, taehyung sat on the cab, trying to call Jungkook continuously.
"The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off please hold the line or call later"
"Shit! Pick up the phone hubby" taehyung mumbled trying to call him again.
Jeon Dahyun leaned her ear against tzuyu's room's door trying to hear the conversation, tzuyu smirked looking at her mother through CCTV camera, she quickly turned on her mobile putting the phone on speaker, playing hers and taehyung's recorded conversation, tzuyu giggled when she saw her mother going towards her room feeling satisfied.
Taehyung quickly ran inside the Jeon's mansion, he frowned after seeing no one there, the entire mansion was lit up with candle lights ??? He gulped walking inside the mansion trying to find his husband, he frowned when he heard some noises coming from jieun's bedroom.
Taehyung opened the room's door slowly, he saw the room was covered with rose flower's petals and candles, his heart broke into millions of pieces after seeing his husband---
Taekook fact #36
Not in a mood 😶❤

Roman d'amourJungkook falls in love with jimin who is taehyung's elder brother. Jungkook writes a love letter for him but wants someone to go give it to him so that's when he finds taehyung and Taehyung tricks Jungkook into believing many things. Then taehyung f...