Jungkook falls in love with jimin who is taehyung's elder brother. Jungkook writes a love letter for him but wants someone to go give it to him so that's when he finds taehyung and Taehyung tricks Jungkook into believing many things.
Then taehyung f...
The sun shone brightly through the window, illuminating the room with a warm glow. But inside, the room was filled with a gloomy atmosphere. A young boy name Kim Taehyung in his bed, sulking. It was a school morning, and he didn't want to go.
Taehyung got out of bed and slowly got dressed. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair, When he was ready, taehyung went downstairs with his little brother named Sunoo, they ate their breakfast and grabbed their backpacks
Taehyung saw his mother coming towards them with a smile holding their lunch bags
"We don't know why we have to go to school, it's our brother's wedding!!! please let us stay mom" Taehyung and sunoo whined looking at their mother not wanting to go school.
"Your brother's wedding is next week not this week so you can go to your school now" Mrs Kim said packing the gifts and the brother duo rolled their eyes not wanting to argue with their mother more, they both walked out of their mom's room.
Don't get him wrong taehyung actually loves going to school but he didn't want to go to school this week because his cousins are already in his house honestly who wants to go to school and study instead of having a fun time with cousins and same goes with sunoo.
Taehyung sighed in defeat because his mother didn't let him stay at home meanwhile sunoo was busy making a plan in his tiny brain, they both were stopped by their brother jimin.
"Don't be sad my baby Brothers here take this" Jimin smiled giving the ferrero rocher chocolates to his brothers, taehyung smiled taking the chocolate from him but sunoo glared at Jimin
"Don't eat it taehyungie hyung, he is basically trying to bribe us with this chocolate but no jiminie hyung we won't go to school" sunoo said and Jimin smirked.
"You don't have any other choice kiddo because you know our mom is the queen of this house it's her order, I think no one wants to go against her order even dad, I just wanted to give these chocolates to brighten your moods but I guess you don't want it so bye~~" Jimin said walking away from them
"Thank you jiminie hyung" sunoo said taking his chocolate from Jimin's hand.
"Now go to your school" Jimin smiled patting his brother's heads.
"Bye hyung" both sunoo and taehyung chirped making their way out of the mansion bouncing cutely, jimin smiled at his brothers cute behaviour because those two were looking adorable as hell
"Finally!!!!!" Jungkook sighed in relief when the Jeons landed in daegu after 3 hours of flight journey, he felt plane sick but he chose to ignore that for now
"Let's see how the kim's mansion is" Hoseok said carrying his luggage and they started to head towards kim's mansion in their luxury cars.
Jungkook and his family arrived at the Kim's mansion just as the sun was setting. The mansion was even more impressive in person than it was in pictures. It was a sprawling estate with white stucco walls, black-trimmed windows, and lush green lawns.
They parked their cars in the driveway and walked up to the front door. They were greeted by a butler who took their luggage and led them inside.
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