Chapter 4 - The First Date (Part 2)

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Hello, I am back with a new chapter! I don't have anything to say so let's start the chapter!

After their exceedingly long night Nishikata woke up first because he slept first. He yawned, stretched, and looked beside him. He saw Takagi sleeping peacefully.

Nishikata: -sigh- (Why do I deserve you Rie....)

Takagi: -sleeping quietly-

Nishikata: Rie, wake up...

Takagi: -groans- 5 more minutes....

Nishikata: (Not this again.) Rie, please wake up.

Takagi: Noooooo!

Nishikata: -sigh- Looks like I have no choice...

He goes close to her face making their noses touch each other. Then he slowly makes his lips touch hers. Takagi shook as she was not expecting a bold move (Even though he did that before....).

Nishikata: -breaks kiss- Will you wake up now? I gave you your good morning kiss.

Takagi: -groans- Fine....

Nishikata smiles as he helps Takagi up.

Nishikata: Well, do you want to have a morning walk?

Takagi: Yeah, sure!

As Nishikata and Takagi walked, they saw someone walk into the pole. They tried so hard to hold their laughter, then they heard this.

???: Paul! Are you okay?

Paul: I'm fine Dom, it just hurts a little....

Dominic: Dumbass...

???: Pablo! You okay?

Paul: I told you not to call me Pablo Zeus!

Zeus: ....

???: Is that really what you are worried about onii-chan~?


Angela: Fine...

???: That's not how you talk to a girl bro.

Paul: I don't care Marco....

Marco: -sigh-

???: -laughing-

Paul: Stop Louise, it's embarrassing... -blushes out of embarrassment-

Louise: -slowly stops laughing- Well, that made my day... -trying not to burst out laughing again-

Then the couple goes to them.

If you want to know who these are, I am Dominic, and the others are my friends. I'm running out of ideas, so I added them to the story as side characters.

Nishikata: Hey! Are you okay?

Paul: Yeah, it just hurts a little.

Takagi: Not going to lie, that was funny....

Angela: Yeah, it was. -giggles-

Louise: See! At least someone agrees!

Zeus: Great, another girl in their group...

Dominic: Oh! We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Dominic!

Paul: The name is Paul...

Marco: More like Pablo...

Paul: STOP!

Marco: Anyways, I'm Marco.

Zeus: My name is Zeus.

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