Isekai #3(eye of the techno ?)

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"ahhhh,another day,the same me"

"Hmmm,Samsul say i could get a job in the guild,so i think i know what i need to do today"

*Then i went to the guild and asked how i got a job*

"IM sorry sir,you already have a job,or want to add more job ?,she said"

"Wha-,what kind of job i already had ?"

"In here your status tab said that your job was tekunoroji no me/eye of the techno and the black dragon wielder"

"Wha- what kind of job is that ?"

" sorry sir,i don't know either,i never see people with this kind of job"

"Ahhh,okok np,then if i want to add more job,how much it would cost and what kind of job that's available ?"

"Ohh,for the job,all job Will be available for all time,but the cost is different...for example
Swordsman=100 gold
Archer=57 gold
Mage=150 gold
But remember,these job are the very basic one,once they evoluted,they can be either very usefull or very useless depending on the user"

"Hmmmm,is there a job named assasin in here ?"

"Yes of course sir,but thats a evoluted job,but you need to take the thief job first"

"Ohhhhh,then ill take it,how much it'll cost ?"

"500 gold sir"

"?!,500 gold,how is it that expensive ?"

"This is cause of the star tier sir,the more star it had,the more powerful it Will be,but still it depend the user"

"Ohhh,then do you know how much star my job has ?"

"Im sorry sir,but thats violate your privacy"

"Oh ok then,ill buy the thief job"


*New job has been acquired*

"Wha- what is that ?"

"I don't really know sir,maybe thats your eye of techno passive or something"

"Ah okok,thanks for all of this,i need to get back to my home...or motel i guess"

"You're welcome sir,be carefull on the way home !"

"Thanks,and bye"
"Hmmmm,untung aja duitku banyak dari farming kemarin,dan katanya aku dah punya job ?,aku aja gak pernah ngambil,kok bisa Yo,ah aku lupa nanya pula cara munculin layar status,mungkin tinggal bilang dalem ati kali yak"


*The status screen really does appear in front of my face*

Personal status
Name:??? ??? Wahyudi
-tekunoroji no me/eye of the technology (6★)
-the black dragon wielder(6★)
Ummmm,bisa diteken gk ya..."

"Job information:
Tekunoroji no me/eye of techno(6★)
First skill:Inventory
Second skill:Bug
Third skill:Firewall
Fourth skill:Hack !
Fifth skill:scan/observe
The next skill Will acquired in special condition
If you want to cast the skill,say tekonoroji no me and then what the skill you want to use then the name-
Owalah...ribet juga yo,bntr deh kucoba dulu"


*Then suddenly a real firewall really appear out of nowhere*

"Wowwww,keknya op nih job-"

*Not done i talking,a tip screen appear in front of my face saying "you better saying the skill just in your heart,then your enemy wont know what skill youre using"*

"Buset dah Ampe kek gini aja dikasih tau,mana dah sore lagi,mana job the black dragon wielder Ama thief blom kuliat,dhlh besok aja lagi aku juga dah cape"

*Pada malam hari*

"Hoaaammmm,dah jem 9 aja,tidur dulu ah besok nyoba job lagi hehe"

*I wake up in my subconscious world and facing a weird creature*

"Are you...the black dragon ?"

"Hoho,seem you already know me"

"Ahhh,so it's really you,nice to meet you,im Wahyudi,just call me Yudi,so...Mr.dragon,are you have a name or something ?

"Ah,let me introduce myself,Im...Kaida,the leader of the feud dragon"

" that's mean...i need to have the feeling of hate,feud/grudges to my enemy if i want to use your power ?"

"Hoho,ITS not wrong i possessed your body,you're so smart !"

"Hehe thanks,so...Im sorry,but i think i gonna wake up"

"Ahh,what a short time,okay then,it's nice to talk to you Yudi,i hope we can talk again soon"

"Haha yes of course,i'll try to talk to you every night XD"

"Ahaha,good bye Yudi"

"Good bye...Kaida"

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