Segment Six-When You Wake Up

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It was an ordinary night, like most nights you've had.

It's normal for you, and others, to wake up during the night, even into the brightening depths of the morning. It just means that you've had enough sleep, need the toilet, had a nightmare...all that jazz.

The last time you woke up, it was 3:34 in the morning, now on a Tuesday. Your eyes slowly opened and you sat up in your bed, staring at your alarm clock on the shelves directly opposite in the hope that your eyes would focus. The silence of your surroundings became bothersome as all you could really hear was your breath.

You were just beginning to calm down after your heart rate increased from the sudden wakening of your body, when you froze. You did not move one muscle, apart from your eyes widening.

There was sharp knock on your window.

But who would want your attention at 3:34 in the morning? Couldn't they just ring the doorbell? Thank God for curtains. They might think no one is in, if you're quiet enough.

Then came another knock. 'Knock..knock..knock..' You were not sure if you should try and slowly make your way off of the bed then make a steadily exit through the door, or if you should just...stay...still...

'Knock..knock..knock...' It happened again, the sound of glass softly echoing into the quietness of your room. 'Knock..knock...knock.' But then you realised, you have to be brave. Never have you moved so slowly before as you slithered your way out of the bed, onto the floor and began to crawl towards the window in the hope that it doesn't catch the sight of your shadow. 'Knock...knock..knock..'

Carefully, you reached up with both hands, lifted your body while on your knees and ripped the curtains open to reveal no one on the other side. You were confused, but awake. So where was it coming from? You stood up, turned to walk back in your bed, but caught something out of the corner of your eye. That's when you realised.

The knocking was coming from inside.

Remember, 'the last time you woke up.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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