Segment Four- Kids, dinner's ready

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"Lucy, Lily, dinner's ready! Downstairs in 5 minutes no longer please!" The loving voice of Miss White, mother to two kind children, called out from the kitchen while laying the table. The kitchen room was filling with smoke, coming from the pot of boiling food.

"Coming!" One of the children, Lily, called out. Miss White has just set out the last set of cutlery when she accidentally knocked a spoon off of the table.

"Oh, dam. Must remember to not be so clumsy!" she sighed as she bent down to pick it up of of the floor. However, she never got to pick the spoon up as under the table, she was took back by surprise of someone under the table. Miss White stumbled back, and cursed. "Oh for goodness sake you scared the living daylights out of me. Lucy?" Lucy nodded. She was sat under the table, her back to Miss White, while playing with some toys. Dolls, probably. Or clown dolls. Miss White proceeded to get up, bringing the fallen spoon over to the sink.

Just seconds afterwards, the two kids came running downstairs. They sat at their usual spots around the table. Miss White giggled at the typical hyper sounds of children's pitter-patters on the stairs. 

"Now, who wants pasta...?" Miss White turned around froze. Her gazed fixed on Lucy. Miss White ignored the burning of her hands from the hot as hell plates.

"Mummy...what's wrong?" Lily asked. She then followed her mum's gaze to Lucy. "What's wrong with Lucy?" Lily asked, confused. "She's fine. She's been upstairs with me the whole time!"

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