『 5 』

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- 1 weeks later -

- Levi POV -

Today is the day I'm going to ask Y/N as my girlfriend. I'm so nervous... I invited Y/N to come to my room.

- Y/N POV -

Levi texted me to go to his room, so I walked to his room. I knock on the door “Levi! ” I said, but no response. I knock again and again and still no response.

- 5 minutes later -

It's already been 5 minutes since I've been waiting for him in front of his door. “Levi, are you ok?? It's been 5 minutes” I said.

- Levi POV -

I was panicking and thinking what to say to her when she came to my room. I heard “Levi, Are you ok?? It's been 5 minutes” Y/N said in front of my door. 5 MINUTES!? I thought and I ran to open the door.

“H-hey Y/N, I'm sorry you need to wait outside for so long” I said. “It's ok Levi, are you ok tho? ” she asks, “O- of course I'm fine..” I said. “You sure? ” she asks, I nodded.

- Y/N POV -

“So.. What are we going to do? ” I ask. “L- let's play some games” he said. We played the game for 4 rounds, I know that Levi was staring at me the whole time.

“Levi, are you really ok? Your face was red and you haven't won any round here. ” I said. “ I - I... ” he stuttered. “L-let's join this game first...” he said.

We join the game that Levi said to join it. The game was full of decorations, it was very romantic. “You made this Levi!?” I said, “Yeah.. ” he said, “It's very amazing!! ” I said.

- Levi POV -

“It's very amazing!” she said, I can't help but smile and blush. “Y/N... I - I've been wanting to t- tell you something...” I said.

“What is it Levi??” she asks.

“Y/N... I like you.. No I- I Love you, w- will you be my g-girl friend?” I said while stuttering, “I- I know you probably don't want to be with me because I'm a weir-” I said... but I feel something on my lips. Y/N was kissing me.

"Levi... I love you too, '' she said with a big smile.

“ R- REALLY!? ” I said my cheeks were red, '' she nodded.

Leviathan Obey Me x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now