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I wake up again to a soft giggle. I open my eyes quickly because I only remember Jadon sitting next to me. And I don't think he's the one sitting next to me right now, giggling.

The first thing that comes into my view is the green glowing television on which football is still playing. So I can't have been asleep that long. The next thing I see is Jadon. And the twins.

They are standing to the right and left of Jadon, holding on to his hair. The three of them laugh and I too have to smile at the sight.

I never thought he would be so good with children.

"Did we wake you up?" he asks me when he notices that I am no longer asleep.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter," I say, smiling briefly at him.

"I was going to take them to a playground. Do you want to come?", he asks me after it had become quiet.

"Yeah sure why not," I reply and stand up.

"But I'll just change quickly first. I'll be back in 5 minutes," I say, quickly getting up from the couch and running to my room.

Did I even pack anything suitable for this?

I still have two dresses, one pair of jeans, two pairs of sweatpants and three jumpers here.

I really should revise my packing skills.

It looks like I'm holding a fashion show here or changing at least 4 times a day.

"Jadon?", I call from my room, hoping he hears me.

When he doesn't answer after a few seconds, I decide to go to him.

So I open the door, but at exactly the same moment, someone else opens the door too, only from the other side.

I jump back in shock and then look into the confused face of Jadon.

"My God, you scared the shit out of me," I say, holding my hand to my heart.

"Why did you call me?" he asks and then looks me up and down once.

Then he looks back into my eyes. His look tells me: Why aren't you ready yet? I thought you only wanted to take five minutes.

"Yes I was, but I don't have anything to wear," I say and shrug.

He looks past me once, straight at the suitcase, which is packed to the top.

"Uh... I see," he says and laughs.

"You don't understand. You're a man and you're probably carrying a T-shirt and pants," I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Let's look then," he says, walking over to my suitcase and starting to take out individual items.

"Hey, didn't anyone ever tell you never to go into other people's stuff? Especially not a woman's," I say and look at him.

He looks back, stopping to clear out my things, then raises his eyebrow.

"Are you done?" he asks.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

Then he looks away from me and picks up right where he left off.

"Asshole," I say, just seeing him grin out of the corner of my eye.

"I understand that you don't want to wear a dress but I don't understand why you don't just put on a pair of jeans," he finally says, tossing me a pair of dark blue jeans.

I laugh briefly. "You're kidding me, right? No way am I going to wear jeans to a playground. I can barely walk in these fucking things as it is, how am I supposed to do that in a playground?", I say and turn the pants back to him.

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