Chapter 3: But Mom...

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The next morning i went to the kitchin to talk to mom and dad about my trip with Jellal. It went like this..

Me- Hey mom! hey dad! Whats up?!

Dad- Doin' just fine tell me how's your school goin' ?

Me- its going just fine, dad!

Mom- Umm...Peter you don't want miss your train, do you?

Dad- Damn!! See you later...!

Mom- What do you want for breakfast, Erza?

Me- How about grilled cheese sandwtiches

Mom- Grilled cheese sandwiches coming right up!

Me- mom you history teacher wants me to go to field trip with a guy in my class called Jellal.

Mom-Ok....where are you guys going?

Me- Good question..umm..we are going ROYAL CITY!

Mom- Okay, how much do we have to pay and how long is the trip?

Me- its absolutely free mom and a month or maybe  longer 

Mom- ONE MONTH OR LONGER????!!!!! NO !! you can't go! that's it.

Me- But mom...

Mom- No! and a No means NO!!!


Great! now what was i suppose to do? i had no choice but to run away.

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