Chapter 7: Its not a tattoo, its a birth mark.

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Not long after, we reached city of Magnolia. By the time we reached we were very hungry because Natsu had eaten up all the food we had but was still hungry.

God that guy eats too much! There were many cafes in the town so we chose the one which was crowded by a bunch of girls who were continuously squealing.

We were welcomed by a sweet lady who was called Mirajane. She gave us a table and called the waiter. Well, now it was clear why the girls were continuously squealing because the waiter was pretty good looking. By good looking I mean smokin' hot!!  If Evergreen and Lisanna were here they would have definitely fainted.

He had dark hair and dark eyes. He wore black pants. A white shirt which was unbuttoned. He had an apron around his waist. This guy was good looking and he totally knew that but somehow he didn't take advantage of that.

''Wow, Gray! what a cool tattoo!'' a girl squealed.

"Its not a tattoo, its a birth mark. I was born with it" he said totally uninterested.

The last word 'birth mark' caught our attention. Well except Natsu's because he was busy stuffing himself.

Jellal called the waiter. I think Natsu had the wrong idea because as soon as the waiter came he started ordering everything on the menu.

"Well, i guess you'll pay for everything, thanks for the treat, Natsu" Jellal said.

"but i thought this trip was suppose to be free!!!" Natsu whined like a three year old.

"sorry to burst your bubble"

"well, you just did" Ntasu muttered under his breath.

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