VR Time

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Mugman: Calm down Cup, she's has to be around her somewhere. NEJIRE CHAN!!

King Dice: Will you boys shut up! She's in her office writing the next chapter... I think

Devil: Last I saw her was going to her office some sort of weird googles.


Cuphead, Mugman, King Dice, and Devil: Oh no...

( The lovely gents go into Nejire Chan's office to see her playing on the VR.)

Cuphead: WHAT THE HECK! Why ya screaming so loud!?

Nejire Chan: Huh? Oh hey boys! I'm uhhh, researching, YA researching for the next chapter!

King Dice: I don't really think that's researching.

Nejire Chan: Hey the next chapter was requested to be you guys playing VR with [Y/N]! So I thought I'd see what games are popular and such! Phasmophobia is so much fun in VR!

Devil: As long as the next chapter doesn't take 6 months to write this time, I'm ok with this.

Nejire Chan: Sorry about that hahaha... 

Let us begin the chapter and hope you enjoyed that little scenario! Thought I'd do something fun to start out! You guys want more of those? Let me know! Also thank you to whoever requested this! I forgot who did but still thank you whoever it is!


Hands down Cuphead is the type of person to mess around with everything. He'd probably enjoy VR chat because then he could go around and pull "pranks" on people. He would probably make is avatar in the game some sort of weird version of himself. You both hands down enjoy to both see how long you can stay in VR chat without getting sick! I also could see Cuphead enjoy Super Hot!


Mugman would love all the puzzle games! You two would spend hours sitting down and trying to solve every puzzle game you can find/buy. You both would play Tetris and Moss! You both also will only play for about an hour at most, so you don't make yourselves puke.

King Dice-

I can't really see King Dice playing VR. I don't know why I just don't see him being into it. He may put it on once eventually after you begging him over a thousand times. You probably could only get him to play more of the puzzle games.


I could see him forcing you to play all the horror games just so when you're done you'll be so scared you'll be literally stuck on him. So you would enjoy Phasmophobia. Like Mugman you wouldn't play too long about 1 to 2 hours. In the end you both enjoy trying to see who in the end will be the most scared. Probably you, because Devil has seen some... pretty scary stuff, so it doesn't phase him that much.

Hey Hey! For once a short chapter!?!? Shocking I know! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter will be DRUM ROLL PLEASE! *insert drum sound* They play Cuphead! I know how fun! Once again I don't know who requested it, whoever you are thank you! And I'll see you all on the Inkwell Iles!

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