Chapter 3

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James pov
The war was hard never easy I wrote to y/n every chance I had but recently Steve is being bullied why because he is weak unlike the rest of us I'll always protect telling others to back off or threatening them that I'll kill before the nazis do. Peggy was also dispatched to keep men in touch she always choose he went to war and who was sent to war and who wasn't and today was that day most men was strong notice how I said most there's was always one he was not fit to fight for various reasons whether it maybe they was hurt badly or the had medical conditions and today I could Steve was one of them no one knew what he had but it wasn't good no one would listen expect Peggy we had planned to get her and him on the first flight home where she would work with stark industry the crackle of the speaker went of "attention all men come to the front we have our first attack on our hands" we all lined up and Peggy stood in front of us "world war 2 had officially begun and we are finally drafting most of you off if I call ur name stay but if not you will be coming home with me as it is unsafe for you to be here" Peggy went down her list  men  stepped forward one after another finally my name was called " that's everyone the rest of you follow me and men thank you for your service good luck out there"
Steve pov
My name wasn't Called out that meant I was going back home with Peggy  I promised y/n and I'd look after James but now I can't I followed Peggy to the bus to the airport ready to go home "Peggy do you think she'll hate me" her eyebrow rose "who Steve" I gave her the look "y/n when we was drafted I promised her that I'd look after James and now we can't" her face looked into mine " me and you both know your not fit to fight we can get u a job with stark so ur at least doing something for him and her" I nodded and we sat in silence awaiting our fate
2 months later
Y/n pov
It's been at least 3 months since Bucky left and 2 when Steve and Peggy came home the 3 of us was working with Howard to create a super solider serum we had word that James was going to fight in Europe soon so the sooner we finished it the better "ok ladies and gentlemen we've finished the serum" everyone clapped excited for to see what will happen next  "we just need someone to test it out I'll contact a hospital to use a dead body and if it works we can try make more "stark I'll do it I'll use the serum in case works so we can send me out as soon as possible" rogers had volunteered to be the test subject and no one had any objections not even Peggy all three of use knew that this was needed to help win the war "ok let's get you set up and prep the sooner the better" me and Peggy set him up and secured him and we went in the safe zone "okay rogers on 3!" He nodded "1" Howard flipped the switch on "2" the machine started Preparing and finally the light had turned green "3" Howard pressed the button and the serum was injected and we waited and waited until the machine stopped "is he okay" I went to check "he's unconscious but it worked" he nodded " get the nurse in here now to check vitals and let him rest" we all nodded the nurse came and he was okay. Little did I know that wasn't the least of my problems soon

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