Chapter 16

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y/n pov

Living in Wakanda was peaceful it was 2017 now and no cure was found by T'challa's sister Shuri so every other week I would stay with Tony helping him with his business and then the other weeks I would stay and sit next to Bucky's sleeping body I wouldn't sleep until Shuri forced me too I always lay on the chair and slept Shuri loved making our technology she found it so interesting and always made me tell her about them while she was working on Bucky's cure I decided I'd pick my wedding dress for the wedding because Shuri said she was close and to start planning and it wasn't long until I found the dress it was amazing it was my dress (picture below)

Living in Wakanda was peaceful it was 2017 now and no cure was found by T'challa's sister Shuri so every other week I would stay with Tony helping him with his business and then the other weeks I would stay and sit next to Bucky's sleeping body I ...

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Shuri loved it and said it  would would look even more amazing on the day and then said I's should look for a cake and put it for to made for 6th November so I did the cake was harder to find because I hadn't found avenue yet so I did that I decided on A castle wedding I found the perfect place (picture below)

I told my wedding organiser my vision and she told me she do amazingly and to focus on my cake so I did it wasn't easy to choose but I looked at the cake I saw the detail and it was amazing the chef gave a taste of a sample it tasted amazing full ...

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I told my wedding organiser my vision and she told me she do amazingly and to focus on my cake so I did it wasn't easy to choose but I looked at the cake I saw the detail and it was amazing the chef gave a taste of a sample it tasted amazing full of fruitness a the bottom tier was strawberries and cream, the second tear was peaches and cream and the top tier was mixed berry I payed the women and left (picture below)

I finally managed to get back to Wakanda and Shuri Screamed "Y/N I FINISHED I FINISHED IT I MADE THE CURE IT WORKED AND HE's AWAKE" my eyes widened sure enough there he was he was T'challa's talking to Bucky they was talking about Ayo nullifying t...

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I finally managed to get back to Wakanda and Shuri Screamed "Y/N I FINISHED I FINISHED IT I MADE THE CURE IT WORKED AND HE's AWAKE" my eyes widened sure enough there he was he was T'challa's talking to Bucky they was talking about Ayo nullifying the command words at a ceremony to show the start of his new life and he agreed "Shuri lets leave the couple alone" they left with a confused look Bucky saw me and hugged me "Y/N i missed you" he kissed without hesitation "I'm okay now no more winter solider he is gone forever" tears rolled down my cheek this was the man I was going to marry after he was declared a New start.

The day of the celebration

it was November 1st it was 5 days to the wedding but today wasn't about that it was about Bucky being declared a new life it was going to an amazing ceremony everyone in Wakanda would be there Ayo would nullify his trigger words and his new life would start in Wakanda this was his home now until he ready to come out. I went to the wardrobe and got my ceremony dress  it wasn't amazing but I knew I would wear it more than once it was a nice blue to go with the blue heels Tony brought me to his event to declare I was going to inherit the business when he was to pass on I was happy he choose me but I knew they was thinking of having a child it was a lot to take in (picture of dress below)

there was a knock at the door "Can I come in" it was Shuri she became a sister to me we was relatively close now "Yes Shuri" she was wearing a fancy Wakandan dress stuff that was only used for events like this she stood at the door way "it's time ...

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there was a knock at the door "Can I come in" it was Shuri she became a sister to me we was relatively close now "Yes Shuri" she was wearing a fancy Wakandan dress stuff that was only used for events like this she stood at the door way "it's time the ceremony is starting" I nodded and rushed to the crowd I stood as Ayo in front of the crowd and she stood "Welcome Wakanda today we celebrate new life not of a new born but of a man James Bucky Barnes he was once cursed but after I nullify the trigger words he will be free and start his new life Mr Barnes please step forward" he stepped forward he was wearing a white suit and his shaggy hear was neater  he had shorter hair it suited him  he stepped in front of Ayo and she placed  her hands on him and performed some ritual and she stopped and performed another one "How do you feel now" he looked at me in the crowd and I smiled and he smiled back and looked back I recognised the second ritual it was the command words "I feel normal the words you said after your nullifying didn't turn me evil" everyone clapped happily and cheered Ayo quietened them "Happy new life White Wolf lets Celebrate to White Wolf" everyone shouted to white wolf and started the festivities.

November 6th 

It was my wedding day I decided to stay at Starks that day he had no clue about the wedding but Pepper did we agreed to surprise him on the day my parents died when I was young and I lived in an orphanage all my life where I got a Job for S.H.I.E.L.D in my early adulthood Tony always made sure he at least brought me up right then he decided to officially adopt me when I was 20. I got Pepper to help me into my dress as she was doing my hair and I was doing my makeup after 3 hours I was done I looked in the mirror I was gorgeous now to surprise Tony "Jarvis find tony" after a second he came back "Mrs l/n he is in office shall he be expecting you" I shook my head and told him it was  surprise so we left I knocked on the door and let myself in and he looked up "Gosh your gorgeous is that your dress for the wedding" I nodded and gave him a suit I choose a nice red one "Yes better suit up because It's today and I want you to walk me down the Aisle" he started to tear up it was never like Tony to cry he was happy he hugged me and grabbed the suit "I better get ready then" I got in the limo where Pepper was waiting and not long after Tony joined us it took us an hour to get to the Castle Pepper went ahead and told the musician to play the song I choose she sat down and the music started Tony grabbed my hand and linked it with my mine and walked my down the aisle .The wedding was beautiful and amazing it was sad to see it all over Bucky took me back to Wakanda to celebrate our marriage and let's say it was fun night.

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