Chapter 4

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You wake up at look at the time *1 pm. Wow i really did sleep much this time...* you get up from your bed and don't even bother changing, you where still half asleep. You went to your kitchen and made yourself some food. As you where eating you where watching the TV. Nothing was going on really..the neighborhood was always quiet so you didn't think much of it. You finished your food and went to wash the dishes cuz you had quite the plate pile building up. ~After 10 minutes~ you where done cleaning the dishes so you decided to talk to Eteled. As you turned on the wii it wasn't the usual screen you saw. It was just...static. Then after a few seconds you saw a poorly lighted up room show up on your screen. "Uhh..Eteled? Are you there..?" No answer. "Hello? Eteled? Can you hear me?" Then somebody spoke out. They had a really strange voice. Like it was a glich. "UgH WiLl yOu StOp taLkIng AbOuT EteLed? ItS gETtiNg qUitE anNoyIng DeAr."
"WHAT THE HELL- WHO ARE YOU?!"  You where quite freaked out by this...thing. "PlEaSe dO nOT bE ScAreD..I wOnT HuRt YoU."
"Well..HOW CAN I TRUST YOU?! AND WHERE IS ETELED?!" You demanded to tell him. "EtEleD, ETeLed, EtELed..hE iS QuItE tHe JeRk. AnD a KilLeR tO bE SpEcIfIc ."  *what is this guy talking about?!* "HE ISN'T A KILLER! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT LIE FROM?!" "oH mY DeAr Y/N..ThAt iS nOt a LiE..I BecAmE A mIi jUst LikE hIm aNd bEcaUse oF hIM.." "YoU kNow.. wHy doN'T i JuSt sHoW mYsElf riGht NoW?"
You hear metal footsteps becoming where trying to stay calm and control yourself so you don't burst our screaming. And then.. you see a metal mii figure. He was tall, had black eyes and white pupils. It also looked like he was a robot, with wires sticking out. "HeLlO dEaR Y/N~ I aM tHe cOrRupTed Mii." *the corrupted mii huh? He looked cool i must agree but..i just want Eteled back..* "Where is Eteled." You demanded the corrupted mii to say. "PsHh wHo nEedS EteLeD wHeN yOU haVE mE!" The corrupted mii sed. But suddenly you saw..Eteled! You where happy to see him but..he was carrying an axe?! "AhH..HeLlO aGaIn EtEleD." "Leave Y/N alone Austin." "OooO~ sO wE ArE gOinG bY mY rEaL nAmE..AlrIghT thEn HeNrY."

Authors note:
(425 words)Yeaaa i lost motivation...Oh but don't worry in the next chapter ⚠️SPOILER ALLERT⚠️ they (Eteled and CM) will be fighting for Y/N's heart who will Y/N choose? You dear reader will find out tomorrow ☺️

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