Chapter 6

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We were in the living room and the whole time Liam was giving use dirty looks for making him clean up the kitchen. "Um Liam where going to OUR secret hide out do you want to join use". We didnt even notice that Harry and the others were already at the stares waiting. "Yep coming" He said and walked behind the others but before he left he gave us one last death glare. 

"3 2 1 and". "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ROOM. NO MY CAT MY INOCENT CAT". footsteps. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY ROOM AND MY HAIR STUFF". "AHHHHHHHHHH SPOONS". "OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU GET MY JUMPER". We all started laughing our butts off at the boys. "Come on guys lets just work out the next prank" and I thought Liam was the sencible one well its between Josh and Liam now. "OK so do we let them strick or do we wreack the whole plan" Emmerson asked with a smile. The only reason why it wasnt evil was because she just had chicken noodles. " I will come on" I said. We stood up and walked to the door of  Harrys bedroom. We stood on eather side of the door and lisened to the conversation . " So were going to set up the net at the entince to the backyard then we place some Nandoes under neath it, they see the Nandoes, go running for it, trip over the wire and get cought in the net and thats one point for team wrong direction" I could tell that it was Josh telling everyone what to do."Yes thats a great plan now lets go set up" "SHIT" Emmerson and I whispered and ran downstares but we feel all the way down. "What are you guys doing" We looked up to 4 confused idiots and a smirking Josh. "Where on the floor what eles would we be doing" I said in an obvious tone. "And get that smirk off your face you dont want to see my angry side" Emmerson said. Her angry side isnt a pretty side may I tell you from experionce. word of warning NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER TOUCH HER CHICKEN NOODLES. His smirk grew bigger. Emmerson stood up and so did I. "I said stop smirking"  oh shit Emmerson was getting serious now. I motioned Caitlin and Courtney to come. They did as was told cause we all knew what Emmerson was going to do if he didnt stop smirking. His smirk grew even bigger. "Oh shit bad move dude bad move".Courtney said scared of what was going to come next. Emmerson pounced but we grabed her. Josh moved out of the way and into the hall way. Emmerson broke free and pushed use to the ground. We got up an ran to the hall.


Emmerson was running up to Josh. She kiked him were the sun dose not shine and he fell to the ground in pain. She then sat on him and started slaping him in the face. "WHEN I TELL YOU TO STOP DOING SOMETHING I MEAN STOP". She continued hurting that poor drummer ways that NO MAN wants to be hurt. Then paul ran in. "WHERE THE HEACK WHERE YOU 10 MINUTES AGO" Liam yelled. Paul gave him a look then grabed Emmerson and pulled her up but she escaped and Punched Paul in the jaw. He went back into the wall. He pulled out his phone. "Hi im going to need some back up hear". The boys where shocked. "Whats with that look on your face its not the first time Emmerson has beated security". They went wide eyed. 

5 minutes leter the backup came there was ten of them. She escaped from them to. "Oh my god there idiots" I said and walked to the kitchen. "Where are you going" I didnt answer. I walked to the kitchen and grabed chicken noodles. I walked back in the hall way and saw all the security on the floor in pain. "OH EMMERSON". I yelled. She froze and looked in my direction. I shaked the chicken noodles. She droped Josh on the floor and all the boys ran up to him and helped him up. Emmerson was in a trance. She came up to me, grabed the noodles, ran to the kitchen and locked the door.

Me, Courtney and Caitlin walked up to josh and the boys. "What the fuck is wrong with your friend" Josh said in an angry tone. "HEY WE WARNED YOU NOT TO GET ON HER ANGRY SIDE AND IM SURPRISED AT YOU PAUL". Paul gave me a shocked look. "What did I do". "Well for one thing is that you and your 10 idiot security gards couldnt get a 18 year old girl off of Josh and Maddy could with just a packet of chicken noodles" Courtney explained. BANG. "EMMERSON WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" I yelled and ran into the kitchen. "I saw Emmerson covered in flour and all the pots and pans scattered along the floor. "Well I was making chicken noodles and then I was looking for the thing that makes it and thats how this all happened" she explained with a smile. "OH MY GOD YOUR FLOUR GIRL" I yelled. Then Emmerson sticked a pose. "Maddy before I get angry go get Emmerson in the shower to clean up" I looked up at Liam surprised. "ALRIGHT THEN" I said and draged Emmerson up to my room. Idumped her in the bathroom closed the door and was face to face with Courtney and Caitlin. "You called" I said in a posh voice. "Guess who is staying over tonight so you dont have to suffer" Caitlin and Courtney said together. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU" I yelled and I walked up to the bathroom door. "Are you staying over to emmy" I asked. "OF COURSE I AM" . She yelled. I ran up to my bedroom door opened it up and screamed. "GUYS EMMERSON, CAITLIN AND COURTNEY ARE STAYING OVER" and 3 2 1. "WHAT". I heard footsteps coming up the stares. I slambed the door shut and locked it. BANG BANG BANG "OPEN THIS DOOR". "TELL ME WHO YOU ARE OR IM CALLING THE COPS" I yelled."NOT AGAIN". it was zayn. "I DONT KNOW YOU NOW GET BACK BEFORE I UNLEASH MY INNER NINJA" I yelled. "OH MY GOD ITS ONE DIRECTION AND THERE DRUMMER" They yelled. I remembered for some reason there was a tool box under my bed because the builders left it there. I climbed under my bed and grabed the screw driver. I walked up to the door. Courtney and Caitlin gave me confused looks. I drilled A hole in the door big enough for me to see through and I looked through the door. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" I screamed and backed away from the door. "ITS MY EYE YOU NOW CAN YOU BLOODY OPEN UP" it was Harry I could tell. "Oh hi Harry ok i will let you in" I said. I was about to open the door when Courtney and Caitlin stopped me. "Hear unlocke the door then rum into your mall then we spray them with our waterguns" Caitlin explained. I gave her an evil smile and grabed the watergun. I walked up to the door and unlocked it then ran to the mall. "ITS OPENED" I screamed. They opened the door and steped in. "Where are they" Niall said. "DIE BITCH DIE" We yelled and sprayed them with water.

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